Nice and very inexpensive. Exactly what I'm looking for.
Unfortunately I can't find a shop in the EU. I would like to test one of these before ordering a bunch. But I'm located in Germany and with shipping and tax included it's about $40 plus €=>$ currency exchange fee. 🙄
#zigbee #SonoffTRV #HomeAssitant #zigbee2mqtt #heizkörperthermostat
#zigbee #sonofftrv #HomeAssitant #zigbee2mqtt #heizkorperthermostat
How did I *just now* discover smart relays that can be installed inside a regular light switch??
For $15 you can turn any switch smart with Wi-Fi or #Zigbee. This means you can keep all your bulbs and switches if what you want is to be able to turn them on or off automatically/remotely. Anyone can still use the switch as usual, except it might be upside down, like a three-way switch. Basically, the relay becomes an additional switch hidden in the electric box. 🤯
#zigbee #smarthome #homeassistant
Sharing my current misadventures in #FOSS #homeautomation :
Up to date #Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 6.2.0-31-generic x86_64)
#HASS installed from Ubuntu "store."
#SkyConnect Zigbee dongle added. Highly compatible, HASS branded.
HASS sees the dongle, but can't configure it on Ubuntu.
In integrations, choose configure #Zigbee Home Automation. It can't communicate with the USB device, even though the config option see it.
Disappointed to see that #HomeAssistant still has a presence on #xitter
#foss #homeautomation #ubuntu #hass #skyconnect #zigbee #homeassistant #xitter
Ich habe einen großen Aquara #Zigbee Schalter über die vorhandene Doppeldose mit Thermostat integriert und bin mäßig zufrieden mit dem Ergebnis. Mir ist der etwas zu groß.
Hat jemand einen Tipp für einen verlässlichen kleineren zigber Doppelschalter?
My #PhilipsHue now replacing #homeassistant automation and #AdaptiveLighting. And it works so well! Why is no one tells that the Hue motion sensor is the best among similar #ZigBee products? #Aqara and #IkeaTradfri are complete trash compared to the Hue one.
And I also love Hue remotes. Nice looking and comfortable.
10 bulbs were replaced, 8 left.
#PhilipsHue #homeassistant #adaptivelighting #zigbee #aqara #ikeatradfri
Ce qui semble être la meilleure solution : Reflasher les ESP avec un truc plus accessible et plus vie privée pour les objets #tuya : #tasmota : https://tasmota.github.io/docs/ESP32/
Aussi, au passage, des gens qui ont hack la passerelle #zigbee #lidl : https://paulbanks.org/projects/lidl-zigbee/
Et, le dernier pour la route, le module #tuya pour #homeassistant : https://github.com/make-all/tuya-local
#homeassistant #lidl #zigbee #tasmota #tuya
Has anybody managed to extract data from the Ikea VINDSTYRKA? The new version with the screen on the front? Looks like they are Zigbee based.
Jak kolísá teplota v lednici? Schválně jsem tam strčil čidlo komunikující přes #Zigbee. S termostatem jsem nehýbal, byl nějak nastavený z dřívějška. (Ten začátek je pokles teploty čidla po vložení dovnitř.)
Phew, after tons of chaos, and EVERYTHING failing for the whole day, all the #Smarthome #Zigbee networks kinda agreed on working fine again. Just in time before the girlfriend comes home, so she can assume everything always worked 🫣
This shit needs to work *a lot* better.
The start of Home Assistant!
#HomeAssitant #homeassistant
Finally managed to flash the latest firmware to my #sonoff #ZigBee dongle, took me hours, a real pain to suss it out and get it done. #smarthome is fun but can be so over complicated 😭
#HomeAssitant #homeassistant #sonoff #zigbee #smarthome
Tuinspotjes gingen niet meer aan; Zigbee inbouw switch (achter een buiten-wcd) van Blitzwolf had het begeven. Vervangen door een nog klaarliggende nieuwe van Sonoff, in HomeAssistant verwijzing naar de switch bijwerken en het werkt allemaal weer.
I love it when a plan comes together.
#TheATeam #hannibal #diy #zigbee #outdoor #tuinspots #homeassistant #fixit
#fixit #homeassistant #tuinspots #outdoor #zigbee #diy #hannibal #TheATeam
#Zigbee relocated to channel 24. Only had to repair 3 low-power devices (all aqara). The rest moved automatically
Umbau von einem Fensterkontakt zum Schalter #SmartHome #Zigbee für mein #ioBroker 🙂
Mal ein kurzer #Blog Artikel wie man #zigbee im #homeassistant verbessert.
Kritik willkommen, bin noch #neu im #blogger Thema :)
#blog #zigbee #homeassistant #Neu #blogger
My father has a #Zigbee bridge and a bunch of #Sonofd temperature sensors, and the app is just horrible. The connection to the app is unreliable, the graphs are useless, etc. But I don't want to just flash #Tasmota to them and make him dependent on my #homeasisstant
#zigbee #sonofd #tasmota #homeasisstant #homeautomation #homelab