Compiler for a Toy Language to #WASM (#ZigLang)
Could someone point me to some well written #ziglang code examples? Real software written in zig, preferably.
Extend a C/C++ Project with Zig (2021)
#ycombinator #cpp #cabi #ziglang #zig
#ycombinator #cpp #cabi #ziglang #zig
Thanks to everyone who attended the #ziglang Stockholm meetup #3 yesterday!
Here are my slides for the presentation "Adding Zig support to the Defold game engine":
Okay, maybe I'm missing something here, but why is there a difference between a union and a union(enum)? Why isn't every union behaving like a union(enum) from the start? #ziglang
Live on Twitch to work on Zig-related stuff.
Want to talk about #ziglang? Join me and ask in chat!
One huge learning resources for me were always code examples that come with the standard library. I think, there is a lot of work to be done for #ziglang . But I also understand, that it is a very young language (v0.11), so things still need to settle.
If anyone is up for learning #ziglang , and maybe got a bit frustrated about the lack of documentation: I feel you. But there is the Ziglings repo to the rescue!
Time to finish my #ziglang + #Defold game engine presentation for the Stockholm meetup next week.
This time it's sponsored by the @defold foundation.
There are still seats available, sign up here:
After more than a year of work and several thousands of commits; we released Mach v0.2 today (#ziglang game engine & graphics toolkit)
Wait, what?
`In addition to the integer types above, arbitrary bit-width integers can be referenced by using an identifier of i or u followed by digits. For example, the identifier i7 refers to a signed 7-bit integer. The maximum allowed bit-width of an integer type is 65535.` #ziglang awesome is that?!
Exciting news, Zig 0.11 is out! 🚀
⚡ Release notes: