I learned a new #word today: »Zilch« is what the young journalist in „Being There“ (Willkommen Mr. Chance) replies when she’s asked what she has found out about Mr. Gardiner. There‘s also a nice blog post about #zilch here: https://nancyfriedman.typepad.com/away_with_words/2021/08/word-of-the-week-zilch.html
Drs. Rosanne Welch and Sarah Clark discuss The Monkees “Son of a Gypsy” episode on the Zilch Podcast’s Monkees 101 Series – On Screenwriting and Media with Dr. Rosanne Welch
#1960s #book #history #monkees #monkees101 #popculture #popularculture #television #tv #writing #zilch #podcast
#1960s #book #history #monkees #monkees101 #popculture #popularculture #television #tv #writing #zilch #Podcast
So I've been longlisted for a writing thing. No one emailed or messaged to tell me, just found out a few days after the announcement while browsing the journal's social media. That post indicated the winners would be announced last Wednesday. Yes, three days ago. No social media postings since then by said literary journal. The prize is a residency in 3 weeks time. I can imagine the outcry if a grant funder treated the journal like this. #Zilch #Nada #WritingLife
Mista Donalina
John Mastodonalina
Mista Donalina
John Mastodonalina
#JohnMastodon #Zilch #Monkees