jsme kolektiv tvořící zíny s radikálními tématy jako biocentrismus,
anarchofeminismus nebo zrušení práce (zatím, máme rozdělaných mnoho dalších kulišáren!)
myslíme si, že anarchistická literatura musí být anarchisticky i vyráběna.
proto ve všech možných ohledech experimentujeme, usilujeme o tvoření
bezpečného (kočko)prostoru a snažíme se překonat společenský důraz na produktivitu. (místo toho dáváme spink)
zíny distribuujeme bezpeněžně, open-sourceově a DIWO (do it with others [narozdíl od DIY {do it yourself (emoji kočka)}]).
chceme probouzet kreativní jiskru: snad ve vás zažehne oheň, který spálí všechny domácí úkoly a jinou neplacenou práci!
vajbuješ? stáhni si naše zíny na spinkdistro.art (kde taky najdeš návody na tisk)! napiš nám se zpětnou vazbou, náměty na další zín nebo i jen obrázkem kočky!
chtělx bys vytvořit vlastní zín (společně) nebo nějaké zíny vytisknout? naše dms jsou otevřené!
#ACAB #Zine #Zin #Distro
#acab #zine #zin #distro #allcatsarebeautiful #everyrapistisacopwithoutabadge #kazdynasilnikjefizlbezodznaku #jinysvetjemozny #kulisarny #spink
【Live us】♮ ZiN ♮ 清矢蒼 / CV: 豊永利行 【ボイストレーラー】 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1694483/voice-actor/
#live #vlog #voiceactor #zin #ボイストレーラー #声優 #清矢蒼 #男性声優 #豊永利行
'Het was een tautologie dat zelfaangedane ellende in het verlengde van je karakter lag. (..) Je bouwde een martelwerktuig en klom erin. Het paste precies en bood een scala aan kwellingen, variërend van bepaalde banen tot een verslaving aan drank of drugs, van een hang naar misdadigheid tot de neiging zich te laten betrappen.'
Weer uit winterslaap. Iedere winter, zo rond kerst, verlies ik de zin om iets met socials te doen. #winterslaap #socials #zin
"Meer dan die ene maand was er niet nodig om de rechtsstaat om te vormen tot een gewetenloze heerschappij op basis van geweld."
The more I work on my #DigitalArt the more I start to believe that personal "style" is simply what comes out of the pen when you listen to instinct instead of inspiration.
It's the things that crop up in every illustration I do without my really thinking about it.
I guess that's chunky blacks and bright colors, in my case. XD
I did this #Zin as part of the show's overlay to go with the Persona 3 Portable port review stream.
Peachy Canyon only made about 4000 bottles of their 2019 Willow #zinfandel #wine from #PasoRobles. If you see one, do yourself a favor and get it. Dark brambly fruit forward like a #zin should be, but also enough structure to feel sophisticated. Perfect with burrata spaghetti (not pictured, because it’s all gone).
#zinfandel #wine #pasorobles #zin
The new batch of double-sided Zins arrived! Blue hair on one side and black hair on the other.
I had a very small batch manufactured and now I get to figure out how to move them.
It only took 9 years to produce #merch from the show. LOL 😅
Size discrepancy is because the one on the right is from the previous test batch. I didn't want to unwrap two of the new ones.
Uit AlbaDonati’s De boekhandel in de bergen: ‘(14 juni) ’s Avonds kijk ik uit het raam, de zwaluwen schieten voor me langs naar binnen en weer naar buiten, ze vertellen me over hun nest dat ze ongeschonden hebben teruggevonden. Ik luister naar ze en huil.’ #zin
The community requested #Zin for our Demon's Souls challenge run that starts today so I decided to do some legwork in char-gen beforehand and...uh....
The test merchandise for #Zin looks pretty good in the right company.
I want to do some minor revisions but it turned out pretty reasonably, all in all.
Definitely learned a few things for the next design.
It's been an interesting week. After nearly 9 years of broadcasting on #Twitch, I finally bothered to test batch some merch.
It was a long time before anything particularly caught my eye and made me think "yes, that's it. That's what I want made."
Turned out an acrylic standee was what I was waiting for. That, and generating some art I didn't hate. 😅
I think it turned out pretty reasonably, overall, for a first shot. Shame my phone camera doesn't capture the colors as well as I'd like.
I edited my intro to include this but I thought I'd do the same thing here that I do on Cohost, which is keep specific kinds of content under specific tags so that people can more easily control what kind of content they see from me.
If you want to filter out specific content by tags:
#Design, #Art, and #Illustration are pretty self-explanatory.
#DarkestDungeonII for anything to do with my day job.
#ZeroLabs for anything to do directly with my show.
#Schedule for show timing and plans.
#GoLive if I'm announcing a show start.
#Zin for illustrations/etc. of my show's mascot.
Hope it helps people curate their feeds a bit. :)
#design #art #illustration #darkestdungeonii #zerolabs #schedule #golive #zin
WOJNA: pierwszy numer nowego wrocławskiego Zina wydanego przez Federację Anarchistyczną Wrocław! Już jest dostępny w naszej bibliotece zupełnie za darmo! Znajdziecie w nim wywiad z Wrocławskimi Rewolucjonistkami, wywiad z argentyńską działaczką aborcyjną, cytaty wielkich anarchistów i anarchistek na zdrowie i więcej ciekawostek. Tyle lat czekaliśmy na naszą lokalną gazetkę! #zin #wrocław #bibliotekaAnarchistyczna #FederacjaAnarchistyczna
#zin #wrocław #bibliotekaAnarchistyczna #FederacjaAnarchistyczna