Anyone tracing #Genealogy in #NovaScotia?
I'm 4 days into marathon #research, uncovering a lot of unintentional information, from #PassengerLists .
Often, similar names are on the same page, if you'd like me to watch for your names?
Some of mine include
#Cashman #Mason #McCarthy #Zinck
#Immigration from #Cork #Ireland #KleinHeubach settling in areas such as #Halifax #Lunenburg #Tangier #Annapolis #SheetHarbour #PortDufferin #Canso
I'm going on with my search.
#genealogy #novascotia #research #passengerlists #cashman #mason #McCarthy #zinck #immigration #cork #ireland #kleinheubach #Halifax #lunenburg #tangier #Annapolis #sheetharbour #portdufferin #canso
A custom, among my ancestors of German background; repeat names. ZINC line follows suit. Also, depending on literacy of historical recorders, #ZINC, ZINK, #ZINCK are the same family name.
Murdock ship landed in #Lunenburg, but homesteads and land were more in the area of the Garden Lots, a mile from town. (burbsπ )
GARDEN LOTS, is 2kms east of the town, where the Zinc family owned land. In subdividing to children in a last Will: a mention of a lot 30 acres. #Thread (start point) #Genealogy
#zinc #zinck #lunenburg #thread #genealogy
Sporadically, I work on my #Genealogy. My G-Grandfathers arrived in #NovaScotia on the immigrant ship, "Murdock". Aboard were 269 #settlers, 29 died enroute (25 Jun--31 Sep 1751), from #Rotterdam to #Halifax
I trace this family back 9-gen, to #KleinHeubach #Germany
where George Zinc Married Barbara Schal in 1643.
Valuable #Book excerpts
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#Lunenburg #Genealogy Zinc #Zink #Zinck #History #Schal @karencookphotos #Roots
#thread #historical #nfo #genealogy #novascotia #settlers #rotterdam #Halifax #kleinheubach #germany #book #lunenburg #zink #zinck #history #schal #roots