Happy International Zine Library Day, Y'all!!!
Tradition dictates that zine library fans and users bring zine librarians donuts and/or the baked good of their choice on this fine day.
✂️🖍️📄✏️📭 🍩
#zines #zinelibrary #zinelibrarians #internationalzinelibraryday #izld2023
#zines #zinelibrary #zinelibrarians #internationalzinelibraryday #izld2023
The BIPOC (Black, indigenous, people of color) travel grants for ZLuC are now open! Here is the link to apply: https://forms.gle/ZDwT28A6Pe1xisHp6. We are accepting applications until April 21, and will notify awardees May 5th.
#zines #ZineLibraries #ZineLibrarians #BIPOCzines #ZLUC2023
We are still soliciting funds to help make the travel grant super successful! You can send payment via PayPal to julia.huddleston@gmail.com.
#zines #zinelibraries #zinelibrarians #bipoczines #zluc2023