My latest #zio #zioscala #scala software (photos management) starts to come to life with a quick & dirty but very very fast photo viewer #javafx based :) - faces detection is still running on my photo originals storage ~91000 photos and already 178466 faces found !
#ZIOLMDB 1.4.3 for #Scala #ZIO is available. With collection content streaming support :) #LMDB
#CatsEffect or #ZIO - is there a library that beats another in this duel? Learn the differences, similarities, philosophy behind them both, and core features of those #Scala libraries and choose your favourite tool:
Just published release #ZIOLMDB 1.3.0 for #Scala #ZIO
@zioscala #LMDB - - Small enhancements and changes required by a new software I'm currently working on dedicated to photos management - It's always a good idea to be your own user ;)
Going to work on the Random chapter for Effect Oriented Programming for a bit this evening #zio #scala
I'm live on Twitch, come hang out!
Let's continue our journey with ZIO - here's the second part of "Getting started with ZIO" by Jakub Cichy:
[tech notebook entry] Building a resilient RSS feed unifier with ZIO
Someone remarked that guy behind ZIO is leaving the Scala world, and I somehow missed the news.
Benefit from not being on twitter. #scala #zio
Mon talk sur #zio et #Sonos Voice Control lors de #DevoxxFr
Got couple of my PRs merged to #zio. Super-small changes, docs only, but it still feels so good.
Small step, but very important for me
Turns out ZIO HTTP is the greenest Scala web server and you're pretty much killing the planet when using http4s. #scala #zio
For many years now I have been almost exclusively working with highly concurrent, pre-#projectloom, threadshifting #scala code. It’s been great (especially since we have #zio now), but these projects are pretty inaccessible to JVM debuggers and breakpoints. My debugging tool of choice is dear old #println again. Today working on an old-school (threadblocking) Java codebase. It is so nice to be able to step through a failing unit test execution line by line in the #intellij #debugger.
#projectloom #scala #zio #println #intellij #debugger
After a lot of pain to find the correct reflection classes and initialization args, I've been able to create @graalvm native-images and @Docker containers for my @zioscala and @temporalio sample app.
There should be a simpler way 🥵
From: @twitter@crodav
ZIO-LMDB 1.0 available / / it is an easy to use embedded key/value database for #ZIO
/ The ideal solution when you want to keep your infrastructure under control with a very low maintenance cost ! #LMDB
Started playing with @zioscala and @temporalio workflow platform to create a sample project with REST API server, Temporal workflow processing all in separate modules.
Check it out and send me feedback/ideas.
Decrel Declarative Relations (between your data entities) for #scala. Can automatically create (efficiently batched and parallelised) ZQuery execution plans for #zio (and alternatively for Fetch)
Scalar Conference Agenda is officially ready and packed with insightful talks!
Grab your ticket
and get ready for an unforgettable experience 🚀
#scala #functionalprogramming #zio #conference2023 #itconference
#scala #functionalprogramming #zio #conference2023 #itconference
It’s a long weekend but I’m a total nerd and can’t switch off and I’ve been trying to get the Hello World equivalent ZIO Scala app to build with Scala-Native and no matter what I do it can’t even bloody find the main method entry point when extending ZIOAppDefault or not using any ZIO code and writing def main myself but still referencing the dependency in the sbt build file. Remove ZIO from the project and it builds and links fine. I’m using ZIO 2.0.8 and scala-native 0.4.10. #scalanative #zio