After apartheid 's UK lawyer group pressure, the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital shamefully removes a Palestinian childrens' artwork display.

#israel #zionismiswhitesupremacism #racism

Last updated 2 years ago

Randa Abdel-Fattah writes on the targeting of Susan Abulhawa and Mohammed El-Kurd by the white supremacist and lobbies in Australia.'

#israel #ukraine #apartheidisrael #nowar4us #zionismiswhitesupremacism

Last updated 2 years ago

White supremacist Biden demurs from holding apartheid responsible for its crimes against Palestinians.

#israel #zionismiswhitesupremacism

Last updated 2 years ago

Germany is even more zionist than apartheid , fining a Jewish person for protesting for Palestinian rights.

#israel #zionismiswhitesupremacism

Last updated 2 years ago

Here's why the IHRA zionist trojan horse needs to be driven away from Australian universities and any organisation it besieges. Take a lesson from the UK.

#apartheidisrael #zionismiswhitesupremacism #bds #israel

Last updated 2 years ago

Once again, masturbaton social removes a slew of my toots critical of Israel on the ridiculous, incorrect grounds that they incite violence & violent ideologies (no, I wasn't worshipping zionism, which is both those). I'll be moving to an anti-racist server shortly. Ironically twitter today blocked and locked an anti-Palestinian racist whom I reported. Maybe masturbaton isn't worth worrying about after all.


Last updated 2 years ago

Settler colonial genocidal instigator, war criminal and collective punisher, always casts its belligerence & persecution of Palestinian people as "protective security measures".

#apartheidisrael #zionismiswhitesupremacism #icc4israel

Last updated 2 years ago

Boycott today and every day until Palestinian people have all their rights guaranteed by international law. 75 years of vicious oppression, genocide & theft by the settler colonial zionist entity must end.

#apartheidisrael #bds #israel #zionismiswhitesupremacism

Last updated 2 years ago

'Ongoing efforts to codify the IHRA definition into law and policy, including at the ABA, are framed as efforts to fight antisemitism. In practice, however, the IHRA β€œworking definition” (identified by the IHRA as non-legally binding) has often been used to label as antisemitic, and thus chill and sometimes suppress, non-violent protest, activism, and speech critical of Israel and/or Zionism, including in the US and Europe.'

#apartheidisrael #zionismiswhitesupremacism

Last updated 2 years ago

Mastodon social is wrongly removing my toots which are critical of on the grounds that they incite violence or promote violent ideologies, both of which I am in fact protesting. I have appealed.

#apartheidisrael #zionismiswhitesupremacism

Last updated 2 years ago

Sadly, zionists have persuaded Melbourne University to adopt the racist, antisemitic IHRA definition, used as a vicious tool to attack Palestinians & anyone who criticises & to silence academics in particular.

#apartheidisrael #zionismiswhitesupremacism

Last updated 2 years ago

No declared borders, no constitution, soon to have no judicial authority over politicians - is no democracy for all the people who live under its zionist boot.

#israel #apartheidisrael #zionismiswhitesupremacism #fascism

Last updated 2 years ago

'Now is the time to stand against Zionism clearly and publicly, both as an ideology and as a continuing settler-colonial project.'

#zionismiswhitesupremacism #apartheidisrael #israel

Last updated 2 years ago

Academic critics of zionism need protection from censorship by 's attack forces, not just liberal zionist academics.

#israel #zionismiswhitesupremacism #apartheidisrael

Last updated 2 years ago

Fascist Israeli troops murder Palestinian school teacher Jawad Bawaqna who was providing medical aid to a Palestinian person already shot by the Israelis.

#apartheidisrael #zionismiswhitesupremacism #fascism

Last updated 2 years ago