Lately I have had a lot of questions sent my way around #NewRelic APM and #Ruby. I figured I might help out some teams by showing a demo #sinatra #ruby app that sends trace data to #NewRelic in a variety of ways. We will explore #Zipkin, #Docker and #K8s, and using #OpenTelemetry to relay to multiple #APM at once.
#apm #opentelemetry #k8s #docker #zipkin #sinatra #ruby #newrelic
I was excited to be invited to speak at the latest #Dapr Community Call. The Topic was "Containerized Mainframe Code with Dapr, Open Telemetry, Datadog and GCP". I covered #COBOL, #GCP CloudTrace #Datadog #Kubernetes #GKE #GitOps #K3S #Zipkin and #Github
I recorded a dry run prior to call:
Kind of wild to spend the last couple days banging out COBOL. Thanks to Mark at #Diagrid for inviting me to speak.
#diagrid #GitHub #zipkin #k3s #gitops #gke #kubernetes #datadog #gcp #cobol #Dapr
In the last couple weeks, I put out a few new blog articles. The first was on #gcp #cloudtrace with a focus on using #opentelemetry with #zipkin traces. Today I posted the first of a 3 part series exploring #Dynatrace . In Part 1 I focus on setup, #kubernetes monitoring, services, #traces and as before, Otel
GCP CloudTrace :
Dynatrace Revisit (1/3) : Setup, Network, Services, Traces and OpenTelemetry:
#traces #kubernetes #Dynatrace #zipkin #opentelemetry #cloudtrace #gcp
return(GiS); | Registrar las trazas entre servicios con Dapr | #dapr #dotnet #zipkin #jaeger #returngis
#dapr #dotnet #zipkin #jaeger #returngis