#zipline harness failure in #Mexico, 6 year old plunges 40 feet. (survived... apparently fell into a lake). https://abc7news.com/mexico-zipline-fall-boy-falls-off-in-amusement-park/13448513/?ex_cid=TA_KGO_TW&taid=64a42a982567cb0001b60701&utm_campaign=trueAnthem:+Trending+Content&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=mastodon
Ok, ok, esta no Sul é uma forte concorrente.
Ok, this one further South, between the #Algarve and #Andalusia is a strong contender.
#Algarve #andalusia #border #schengen #portugal #spain #tirolesa #zipline
With #furalitysylva coming up in only a few weeks, I was inspired by their style guide to draw this, since the inhabitants of Sylva use both bridges and ziplines to traverse the island.
I tried to made the safety harness feel like natural materials one might find on an island.
Hope y'all enjoy and I'll see some of you in a few weeks!
#furryfandom #furryart #traditionalart #wolf #zipline #sfwfurryart
#furalitysylva #furryfandom #furryart #TraditionalArt #wolf #zipline #sfwfurryart
The journey begins: https://aryion.com/g4/view/882570
Today you leave your home with your friends Bibo and Sonya.
Your first goal is the western village.
#journey #adventure #zipline #boy #girl #grapes #chubby #fun
Science Mondays: Amazing Invention – This Drone Will Change Everything
Welcome to the Science Mondays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Science Mondays will feature stuff from the world of science and science related content
#ScienceTalkStuff #MarkRober #science #ScienceMonday #ScienceNews #ScienceStuff #Scientist #ThisDroneWillChangeEverything #YouTube #Zipline #ZiplineDrones
#sciencetalkstuff #markrober #science #sciencemonday #sciencenews #sciencestuff #scientist #thisdronewillchangeeverything #youtube #zipline #ziplinedrones
this is INSANELY cool. Drone deliveries are becoming a reality, people!
#Drones #Zipline
Amazing Invention- This Drone Will Change Everything https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOWDNBu9DkU&ab_channel=MarkRober
If you have 20 minutes to spare today, use them to watch this video. Unique technology by #Zipline, doing extraordinary things. I like the idea of the drone for local delivery. But I'm really blown away by their existing work for hospital deliveries. And even more impressed by the people of Rwanda and how they embrace technology for a better and cleaner future.
I just have to 2nd...
(first 2 minutes are neat, but stick with it past that to see the REALLY amazing things that #zipline is doing. So. Inspiring.)
Amazing Invention- This #Drone Will Change Everything
#drone #zipline #rwanda #Ruanda #africaftw #umwelt #klimaschutz
2303 - I'm thankful there are people out there working to help people in awesome ways, like the Rwandan Zipline company in the latest Mark Rober video.
#gratitude #zipline #rwanda #markrober
This is phenomenal and Australia needs to be in on it and I will work for them. #Zipline
Have your mind blown like I did. Drones changing the world. #zipline #rwanda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOWDNBu9DkU
We really enjoyed this #MarkRober video that highlights life-saving drone flights in #Rwanda. It's a nice #FeelGood video:
#markrober #rwanda #feelgood #zipline #drones
PLEASE watch this: https://youtu.be/DOWDNBu9DkU
#zipline Zipline
I promise it will be:
- inspiring
- educating
- make you think
- will create hope
- shows what we can do
- shatters some stereotypes
I love this thinking and acting, it‘s experimenting culture, the environmental impact and already amazing results
… or directly check out their page: https://www.flyzipline.com
When I first heard about drone delivery systems I was like, ya .. that's trash.
But seeing what #Zipline is already doing for years, the innovation, and the people behind it all is mind-blowing!
Check out this brilliant company Zipline. They are delivering medicine to underserved rural areas by drone. They've made 500k flights with no incidents and will soon be delivering commercial packages.
https://www.forbes.com/sites/dianatsai/2021/10/29/how-to-have-an-absurd-amount-of-fun-while-saving-livesthe-anti-silicon-valley-story-of-good-unicorn-zipline/ #Zipline #drone
Really nice video about how drone delivery has been perfected by zipline to efficiently and quickly deliver life saving medication in Rwanda and other places, and how they are applying their expertise to making drone delivery of goods in cities possible and thus delivery more sustainable. Great engineering.
#zipline #engineering #drone #delivery #future #rwanda
#rwanda #future #delivery #drone #engineering #zipline