but if you ask a #JungleCruise attraction cast member (nicely, please), and they have some on hand, you can get one. I got this one at #Disneyland and have no idea if they're also available at #WaltDisneyWorld.
How cool is this??!!???!! #JungleNavigationCoLtd #ziploc #magicisback #magicishere 2/2
#junglecruise #disneyland #waltdisneyworld #junglenavigationcoltd #ziploc #magicisback #MagicIsHere
A friend told me about this yesterday, so we were able to each get one. I feel like I vaguely remember hearing something but didn't pay attention.
Apparently, #ziploc sponsors the #JungleCruise now, so they have these awesome #JungleNavigationCoLtd Safari Sack available. I'm told that you don't have to go on the attraction, and going on the attraction doesn't guarantee you one, #Disneyland #magicisback #magicishere 1/2
#ziploc #junglecruise #junglenavigationcoltd #disneyland #magicisback #MagicIsHere
End of an era
I definitely got my money’s worth out of my old #KindleKeyboard (purchased July 2010). Knew it was a goner several years ago when I tried to trade it in for a $10 credit on a new #Kindle and #Amazon sent it back to me with a “no thanks” note lol
Today the battery gave up the ghost and it’s sadly not worth the cost of a replacement battery (the current models are infinitely better)
p.s. #Cheapskate #Protip: Quart #Ziploc bag makes an excellent waterproof case for any Kindle
#ziploc #protip #cheapskate #amazon #kindle #kindlekeyboard