Do you ever what #writers #read Join TTO's #writer @nathanlovestrees with an indepth look at #Ziran: The #Philosophy of Spontaneous Self-Causation by Brian Bruya.
#writers #read #writer #ziran #philosophy #medium #blog #article #saturday #reading
In furtherance of my goal to write more I've decided to try to make weekly posts like this one below, where I just share what I've been reading and my musings about them.
Today's topic is #ziran in #daoism, a favorite of mine.
#ziran #daoism #writing #whatimreading #musings #philosophy
By D. Nurske
Before we were born
we found ways not to exist,
happily, playfully,
thriving on no-fish
a billion billion years
before the universe exploded.
No one missed us,
we didn’t miss ourselves.
There was no absence.
#notbeing #prebigbang #quantumfoam #自然 #ziran
By D. Nurske
Before we were born
we found ways not to exist,
happily, playfully,
thriving on no-fish
a billion billion years
before the universe exploded.
No one missed us,
we didn’t miss ourselves.
There was no absence.
#notbeing #prebigbang #quantumfoam #ziran