Early plate tectonics was surprisingly speedy - Enlarge / 2.7-billion-year-old basalt lava flows in the Pilbara Craton,... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1961150 #continentaldrift #platetectonics #earthscience #pillbara #science #geology #zircons
#zircons #geology #science #pillbara #earthscience #platetectonics #continentaldrift
Ars Technica: Early plate tectonics was surprisingly speedy https://arstechnica.com/?p=1961150 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #continentaldrift #platetectonics #Earthscience #pillbara #Science #geology #zircons
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #continentaldrift #platetectonics #earthscience #pillbara #science #geology #zircons
#geology anyone out there watching Baja BC A to Z with #nickzentner? #zircons #paleomag #tectonics
#geology #nickzentner #zircons #paleomag #tectonics
Malone et al find the age of zircons from granitic cobbles in Laurentide Ice Sheet, Lake Michigan Lobe tills from the Illinoisan (MIS 6) and Wisconsin (MIS 2) glaciations. The ages from the zircons in both tills are dominantly late Archean, and indicate an ice flow source from the Quebec-Labrador Dome east of Hudson Bay. The implication is that the configuration of the Laurentide Ice Sheet was likely similar in the two glaciations. #IceSheets #GlacialGeology #zircons https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/sepm/jsedres/article/92/11/1044/618969/Provenance-of-middle-to-late-Pleistocene-tills-in
#zircons #glacialgeology #IceSheets