ZIRP for a decade led to:
- VCs FA’ing, but never FO’ing
- boom in solutions to non-existent problems (i.e. crypto)
- concentration in commercial real estate, rather than housing
The mismatch of risks, durations, and sensitivity to interest rates takes down SVB, Republic, and Signature.
Next domino to fall as a result of 10+ years of artificially boosted economy…?
#ZIRP #interestrates #vc #FAFO #crypto #commercialrealestate #housing #affordablehousing #riskcontagion #duration #economy
#zirp #interestrates #vc #fafo #crypto #commercialrealestate #housing #affordablehousing #riskcontagion #duration #economy
Was können Sie künftig erwarten, wenn Sie in der EU Pizza, Teigwaren, Fleischanalogen, Suppen, Snacks,
bierähnliche Getränke, Schokoladenerzeugnisse, Nüsse, Snacks, sowie Fleischzuber-
eitungen essen? Getrocknete Hausgrillen, als neue Zutat. #zirp
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/vilimsky/status/1615629575458897922
@subterraneanradmoderate Investors try to predict the future. Rising stock prices reflect the expectation of future growth, not current profits. Also, when central banks raise interest rates, it hurts growth—which is another drag on expected profit in the future. The saying goes, “don’t fight the Fed.”
I’ve been highly skeptical of post-2008 Quantitative Easing and Zero Interest Rate Policy … I saw #QE and #ZIRP as kicking the can down the road. Well, now we’re down the road a bit.
A decade of #ZeroInterestRatePolicy (#ZIRP) helped PE grow to "staggering" size. Over that period, America's 2,000 private equity firms raised buyout warchests totaling *$2t.* Today, private equity owned companies outnumber publicly traded firms by more than two to one.
RT @stuntpope
My conversation with @RonStoeferle @scholarium_at and Gregor Hochreiter about their book The Zero Rate Trap is now up, as is the audiobook #ZIRP #NIRP #MMT #qeinfinity
My conversation with @RonStoeferle @scholarium_at and Gregor Hochreiter about their book The Zero Rate Trap is now up, as is the audiobook #ZIRP #NIRP #MMT #qeinfinity