A little late here, but this article by Slavoj #zizek is thought provoking, if not extremely provocative.
We need a debate on how to debate the right, and this article is a very hot-take laden way to do that.
Can anyone explain to me or provide readings on Žižek's notions of bureaucratic socialism and nice alienation? I can't find his writing on it and could only find a recorded lecture on YouTube that's quite difficult to follow.
Dice che si deve lavorare il presenza così si prende il caffè insieme, poi al caffè si parla di come era bello lavorare da casa
#latecapitalism #dialettica #zizek #traffico
#Zizek pretending to understand physics by choosing which team to root for ("and I agree with you, Bohr was -") is very weak. I do like his idea of an "ontological incompleteness of reality" ie it's the world itself that is broken; I'm also amused by Carroll calling Everett of many worlds fame the Lacan of physics.
⭐⭐⭐, I'm mildly entertained
Sarah Wagenknecht in English translated in a YT video
Sara Virginia Connect ???
at 00:13:28
"Only a catastrophe can save us" Slavoj Žižek - Elevate Festival 2023
a great interview with Slavoj Žižek about our failing democracy, european vanity and the nonfuncting left
its in german tho (just translate it). please dont mind the clickbait title
#slavojzizek #zizek #philosophy #democracy
#Lenin could make that critique because, whether you agree with it or not, he **was** offering an alternative, that of a vanguard party pushing without ceasing for revolution.
#Zizek does **not** have that. By his own admission, none such exists in the west anywhere. So then his critique is nothing more than a demand to support #neoliberal regimes that currently run the state, without any plan to ever challenge such
Article from #zizek. . .
So, aside from liberal whining about how violent protest just deligitimizes and hurts the poor more, his call is then for the left, in the face of right wing revolutionary energy towards civil war, to be the party of law and order.
In other words, the left will take on the burden of defense of existing institutions.
"Es geht nicht darum, was der Markt will oder was die Leute wollen: Wir sind in einem Krieg ums Überleben und brauchen jetzt ein bisschen mehr von einer guten Herrschaft." #Žižek hat in jedem Satz dieses Interviews Recht: https://taz.de/Slavoj-iek-ueber-Krieg-und-Klima/!5943165/
Sorry, not sorry, aber dieses Interview mit Slavoj Žižek in der Wochenendausgabe der taz ist wirklich eine krude Mischung aus rechter Rhetorik gepaart mit einem übelsten Leninismus. #Kriegeskommunismus, gute/schlechte Geflüchtete (die »Guten« flüchten gar nicht erst) und Hass auf emanzpative Politiken Marginalisierter. Und »Was soll das?« ist wirklich die einzige vernünftige Frage der taz. #Žižek
https://don.linxx.net/@ose_rouge/110688931576317675 Nein Slavoj, du bist wütend, nicht wir. #Ukraine #UkraineKrieg #Žižek
#kriegeskommunismus #zizek #ukraine #Ukrainekrieg
Noch habe ich keine Meinung dazu, aber ich höre fasziniert zu.
#freiheitDeluxe #Zizek
A friend of mine's just messaged me to suggest I might like this book. You can go off people quicker than I thought. 😂😡📚
#Bookstodon #EndTimes #Žižek #NonFiction
#nonfiction #zizek #endtimes #bookstodon
I'll be, #Zizek does get there (see: https://fediphilosophy.org/@Eph/110471776328493702) (by referencing others that do), or at least very close to the #ExodusEarth realization. He/they reframe idea of setting free that which we have come to know and love further, paraphrasing page xxi 'if we #love the #earth/#nature then for our sake, and the earth's/nature's sake, we must set #earth/#nature free.' Zizek only needs to extend his reasoning a little further. Maybe he does elsewhere, we are still neophyte Zizekians.
It is natural to not consider exodus-ing earth to live in space. We prefer the idea of finding another planet to exploit. We tend to repress the idea of living in the vacuum of #space in favor of another planet (diagnosed as planetary chauvinism by Isaac Asimov).
Or if we do empathically and compassionately realize we are no longer healthy for the earth and nature and we need to be removed, we may even contemplate something graver like self-extinction of ourselves, our species.
The #reason (from a gross amateur psychoanalyst) is the idea of living in space is akin to acknowledging the *das ding* of the 'real.' Here, we repress, or maybe more accurately, we are forbidden to acknowledge the existential truth that all existence resides precariously within a vacuous void of unpredictability and unknowing. Or represented more colloquially here by the real idea of living in the vacuum of space. Such an existence isn't imagined as comfortable or cozy for humans or any other earth mammalian species. It literally repulses us we think
We may think there must be another way. But if if we free our philosophy to reach its own conclusion and liberation, as recommended in The Sublime, the ACT will liberate the earth and humanity. We allow the truth to manifest philosophically without the subject, us (xxii).
This is hubris humans sacrificing themselves on the cross of earthly existence so that the earth can be reborn and man abolveres/sublamates to heaven, free of guilt, shame, and other fetters that had up til now invisibly enslaved them.
The most important thing to realize here, practically, as a first step, is that exodus-ing Earth is achievable now. We need not consider deep space, exploring the universe, etc. for now. Exiting Earth is about NEAR SPACE, to orbiting the earth, staying close to our mother but also weaned from her. This is the most profound, liberating, and loving thing we can do for ourselves as a species, but also for the sake of the Mother. It is, as Zizek refers to elsewhere in the preface, *absolvere*.
Collectively, our repressed guilt for being too good at what evolution made us, master exploiters, is destroying us psychoanalytically as it is destroying the earth and all life on it. Exodus Earth will not only exculpate our guilt but allow us to become angels in the sky for our Mother and all her other children.
The Sublime Subject of Ideology, Preface to the New Edition: The Idea's Constipation? Slavoj Zizek
p. xxi
"So, to pursue the rather tasteless metaphor, Hegel was not a sublimated coprophagist, as the usual notion of the dialectical process would lead us to believe. The matrix of the dialectical process is not that of excrementation externalization followed by a swallowing (reappropriation) of the external
ized content, but, on the contrary, of appropriation followed by the excremental move of dropping it, releasing it, letting it go. What this means is that one should not equate externalization with alienation. The externalization which concludes a cycle of dialectical process is not alienation, it is the highest point of disalienation: one really reconciles oneself with some objective content not when one still has to strive to master
and control it, but when one can afford the supreme sovereign gesture of releasing this content from oneself, of setting it free. Which is why, incidentally, and as some of the sharper interpreters have pointed out, far
from subduing nature totally to man, Hegel opens up an unexpected space for ecological awareness: for Hegel, the drive to exploit nature technologically is still a mark of man's finitude; in such an attitude, nature is
perceived as an external object, an opposing force to be dominated, while a philosopher, from his standpoint of Absolute Knowledge, experiences nature not as a threatening force to be controlled and dominated, but as something to be left to follow its inherent path."
End quote.
The realization that we must exit the Earth is traumatic and we will naturally protest and argue the conclusion and its cure and even compromise to going to another planet to exploit. The reasons for living in space are legion from free resources (energy) to space travel itself. The most dangerous, expensive, and resource intensive aspects of space travel is leaving and entering a planets atmosphere. But most profoundly and analytically, is that living in space, where we have nothing to exploit but each other, we have the possibility of truly coming to know ourselves and maybe evolve from Homo exploitus to becoming truly Homo sapiens.
One of frustrating aspects of #scifi is that human nature follows us where ever we go? It doesn't matter how we engineer society or utopias, our nature doesn't allow us to abide Eden. We think we know ourselves and we certainly do not know ourselves from an evolutionary psychology(analysis) perspective. Even worse than not knowing ourselves, we believe we have the will power to change. Our will power is not enough. The more we ignore our true biological and evolutionary natures, the more destructive we become. What we resist, persists. We are uber exploiters, it is the ground of our being (personal thesis). But we can change with wisdom. But not by just willing it, again, our will is not superhuman, but our drive to exploit is. An no amount of therapy can change it, but it can let us see it, for what it really is, an apparently inescapable ideology of nature and evolution.
#Mindfulness is becoming the preferred method of coming to terms with our true nature, Homo exploitus. Mindfulness creates both the space and time to be discerning ourselves before we act. It allows us to act compassionately and consciously. We don't change in that our true natures, Homo exploitus, is still there, but we can sidestep that reality and truly ACT in the Zizekian sense.
The biggest danger is ourselves. Even now, those at the forefront of #FreeSpace aren't advocates of FreeSpace, but capitalists.
Need some inspiration? Try these music video youtubes:
Sting's 1985 (remastered) Video of "If You Love Somebody Set Them Free." Don't worry, your monitor is just fine. 4:05 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSGl3d4KOMk
Peyton's 2009 vdeo (warning bright flashing bright club light) "A Higher Place." 3:56 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFfEOnNfD1o
#philosophy #Hegel #evolution #psychology #psychoanalysis #Lacan #space
#zizek #ExodusEarth #love #earth #Space #reason #SciFi #mindfulness #FreeSpace #philosophy #hegel #Evolution #psychology #psychoanalysis #Lacan
Riffing off of #Zizek's interpretation of #Hegel in the Preface to the New Edition: The Idea's Constipation?, of "The Sublime Object", discussing the standard dualism between #System and #Freedom p. xv1,
"the supreme moment of the subject's freedom is to set free its object, to leave it free to deploy itself:" And I amend the next sentence to read:
'Man's absolute freedom consists in [the fact] that it resolves to freely let go out of themselves the moment of their particularity on earth.'
Now I am ready for the guillotine.
#zizek #hegel #system #freedom #ExodusEarth #Space #philosophy #Evolution #NearSpace
What used to seem a masterful illuminating dance between theories and criticism here it seems Zizek didn’t keep his eye on the ball. Just because one of the possible fictional logics of the Real is adversarial, whether natura naturans or evolution, Zizek doesn’t seem to see the cusp we ar on. We are realizing that we do not have to be play the games of Ouroboros as long as we are mindful of the Ouroboros.
#zizek #philosophy #psychology #mindfulness #Nature #Evolution #EvolutionaryPsychology
#zizek #philosophy #psychology #mindfulness #Nature #Evolution #evolutionarypsychology