I spotted the Got 0.90 release thanks to @AMDmi3's tool repology.org
Which, currently still doesn't distinguish between the -portable branch of Game of Trees and the one specific to OpenBSD.
Nonetheless, I was checking repology.org to see how ZMap is doing in relation to the 3.0.0 release.
At least at the time as I write this toot, of the 103 repositories tracked, MacPorts is the ONLY one at 3.0.0!
Two are at -beta1. I do not see any at RC1 or even RC2.
So, that may be a first for any MacPort which I maintain?
It's been an interesting Friday.
#macports #zmap #repology #opensource
I submitted a PR to update MacPorts' version of ZMap to version 3.0.0 which was officially released!
It's passed the build bot/CI checks.
However, since I do not have commit access, it is thanks to someone else to merge it.
Thanks to @zakir for merging one of my PRs in the upstream project before this release!
Thanks to Herby Gillot (not sure where Herby may be on the FediVerse) for giving me a heads up that 3.0.0 was officially out (I had previously been working on PRs for RC2).
#zmap #macports #opensource #networkscanning #security
@zakir I submitted this PR which seems to have made the CI/build bots happy at least:
Though it would probably still be advisable to get the Assets and branch tags in closer alignment for whenever this progress beyond Release Candidates?
Regardless, it's up to someone else to merge that PR, but hopefully it improves things a little bit for MacPorts users!
#zmap #macports #opensource #networkscanning
I submitted a PR to update the MacPorts' zmap to 3.0.0-RC2 (which was what I had originally targeted, but somewhere along the lines I downgraded it to beta-1 erroneously thinking it was newer, when: it isn't).
Also broke out the json-c dependency as an optional variant (which was part of the original MacPorts' Portfile submission, but some build bot/CI checks led me down an incorrect path for trying to rectify the errors encountered).
Also added a default_variants +release
The release variant removes some debugging and logging options as mentioned in INSTALL.md here: https://github.com/zmap/zmap/blob/main/INSTALL.md
However, it failed the CI/build bot checks!
Looking at https://github.com/macports/macports-ports/actions/runs/5206571426/jobs/9393277491?pr=19013 it appears as if the distfile that the CI/build bots grabbed had Errors related to the checksums generated? o.O
@zakir I'm not sure if you can make heads or tails of that?
The zmap 3.0.0-RC2.tar.gz I've grabbed from here:
I do observe a date discrepancy here: https://github.com/zmap/zmap/releases (April 22nd and April 6th both being mentioned, screenshot attached for reference) not sure if that is related.
It appears as if the CI/Build bots grabbed a tarball from here:
Which, when I attempt to download locally, yields:
Which certainly has different checksums than I included in the Portfile, e.g.
% openssl dgst -rmd160 zmap-zmap-v3.0.0-RC2-0-g70c2688.tar.gz
RIPEMD160(zmap-zmap-v3.0.0-RC2-0-g70c2688.tar.gz)= 557341e8a872eb61f8c91b64c5910c024fb7efac
openssl dgst -sha256 zmap-zmap-v3.0.0-RC2-0-g70c2688.tar.gz
SHA256(zmap-zmap-v3.0.0-RC2-0-g70c2688.tar.gz)= 35d2783b4701549caa0f099d661ba46ad96627ccf00d7352f4ee61a4702a78d8
ls -alF zmap-zmap-v3.0.0-RC2-0-g70c2688.tar.gz
-rw-r--r--@ 1 grey staff 156261 Jun 8 02:20 zmap-zmap-v3.0.0-RC2-0-g70c2688.tar.gz
If I had to guess: there were two tarballs with a 3.0.0-RC2 "version" and that is the source of the issue?
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