Each year I aim to read more writing from Africa; mostly catching up. Here's a selection of 100 books from 2020, of which I have read #TsitsiDangarembga's Black and Female. The ones I caught up on were #OliveSchreiner - Undine, 1929 written 1870s, also Jade Munslow Ong's book on her; #ZoëWicomb - Stlll Life, 2020 (with this #MaryPrince - History of Mary Prince, 1831); Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o - Petals of Blood, 1977; #SolPlaatje, Mhudi, 1930. #AfricanLiterature https://brittlepaper.com/100-notable-african-books-of-2022/
#tsitsidangarembga #oliveschreiner #zoewicomb #maryprince #solplaatje #AfricanLiterature
I keep up with few contemp novelists but still assert that #ZoëWicomb is among the best; and too little read in disUK, her country of adoption! I should get on and write something about Still Life, her last book. Meanwhile here's Peter J McDonald's Artefacts of Writing page. https://artefactsofwriting.com/zoe-wicomb/