GOOOD FRIDAY MORNING MASTOOOOO :ablobcatrave: :apartyblobcat:
How was your week?
stressful and exhausting or relaxed and easy going?
Either way, the weekend lays ahead🥳 You will definetely like to have energy for it, right?
A little secret tip: Have a 🥶 🚿 cold shower first and then a fine cup of coffee ☕, this will power ⚡ 🔋 you up for the weekend.
Ashford & Simpson - Solid
#friday #fridaymusic #fridaymotivation #weekend #weekendmusic #music #zoidtesmusic
#zoidtesmusic #music #weekendmusic #weekend #fridaymotivation #fridaymusic #friday
GOOOD MORNING MASTOOOOO :apartyblobcat: :ablobcatrave:
The last "Friday music" of this year. I cant wait for the new year to come because I cant wait for Summer to come😅.
But until then, lets enjoy this friday with a delicate cup of coffee ☕ and, yes you guessed it: crank up your body and have cold shower❄️🥶🚿, for extra energy ⚡ 🔋
NOW im ready for the weekend.
#friday #fridaymusic #fridaymotivation #weekend #weekendmusic #music #zoidtesmusic #coffee
#coffee #zoidtesmusic #music #weekendmusic #weekend #fridaymotivation #fridaymusic #friday
GOOOOOD FRIDAY MORNING MASTOOOOOOO :ablobcatrave: :apartyblobcat: :ablobcatrave: :apartyblobcat:
Hach that smeels like the end of the week✌️
I hope you also have time to rest👍
But now we don't rest, have a nice cup of coffee☕ and enjoy a cold shower ❄ 🚿.
Do you feel that energy? ⚡🔋
Yes, That's the weekend energy!
Luther Vandross - My Favourite things
#friday #fridaymusic #fridaymotivation #weekend #weekendmusic #music #zoidtesmusic #coffee
#coffee #zoidtesmusic #music #weekendmusic #weekend #fridaymotivation #fridaymusic #friday
GOOD FRIDAY EVENING MASTOOOOOOOOOOO :apartyblobcat: :ablobcatrave: :apartyblobcat:
Despite having cold showers those cold days, the winter days are absolutely not mine. I cant wait for summer to come back.
But until then, enjoy your finest cup of coffee ☕ and don't forget the ❄️ 🥶 cold Shower to get in the mood and for a lot of energy 🔋 ⚡ this weekend
Doja Cat - Say so
#friday #fridaymusic #fridaymotivation #weekend #weekendmusic #music #zoidtesmusic #coffee
#coffee #zoidtesmusic #music #weekendmusic #weekend #fridaymotivation #fridaymusic #friday
GOOD FRIDAY EVENING MASTOOOOOOOOOOO :apartyblobcat: :ablobcatrave: :apartyblobcat:
Despite having cold shower those cold showers, the winter days are absolutely not mine. I cant wait for summer to come back.
But until then, enjoy your finest cup of coffee ☕ and don't forget the ❄️ 🥶 cold Shower to get in the mood and for a lot of energy 🔋 ⚡ this weekend
Doja Cat - Say so
#friday #fridaymusic #fridaymotivation #weekend #weekendmusic #music #zoidtesmusic #coffee
#coffee #zoidtesmusic #music #weekendmusic #weekend #fridaymotivation #fridaymusic #friday
GOOOOOD FRIDAY MORNING MASTOOOOOOO :apartyblobcat: :ablobcatrave: :apartyblobcat:
Ahh, what a week.
But captain its Friday! 😂 😂
I've got enough energy ⚡ for the weekend left because its going to be great! But I won't miss my nice cup of coffee ☕! And surely a ❄ cold shower 🚿 is nessescary to get in the full mood. What will you do this weekend?
Justin Bieber - peaches
#friday #fridaymusic #fridaymotivation #weekend #weekendmusic #music #zoidtesmusic #coffee
#coffee #zoidtesmusic #music #weekendmusic #weekend #fridaymotivation #fridaymusic #friday
:ablobcatrave: :apartyblobcat:
What have you planned this weekend?
I'm happy to finally be back home soon, after being Professionally on the road.
Once I'm there I will definetely have a ❄ 🚿 cold shower, because its healthy oh and not to forget a delicious cup of ☕ coffe, just to kick the weekend off.😉✌️
Dua Lipa - levitating
#friday #fridaymusic #fridaymotivation #weekend #weekendmusic #music #zoidtesmusic #coffee
#coffee #zoidtesmusic #music #weekendmusic #weekend #fridaymotivation #fridaymusic #friday
GOOOD FRIDAY EVENING MASTOOOO :apartyblobcat: :ablobcatrave: :apartyblobcat: :apartyblobcat:
What a week! I hope you all had a easy week, if not, then I hope you can leave the week behind and just dive into the weekend👌🏾 🎉. So get fresh, have a cold shower🥶 🚿 and maybe a hot coffee☕ this will boost you up for your weekend😉
Kool & The Gang - Hollywood Swinging
#friday #fridaymusic #fridaymotivation #weekend #weekendmusic #music #zoidtesmusic #coffee
#coffee #zoidtesmusic #music #weekendmusic #weekend #fridaymotivation #fridaymusic #friday
GOOOOOD FRIDAY MORNING MASTOOOOOOO :ablobcatrave: :apartyblobcat: :ablobcatrave:
This week has passed so quickly! I hope you had a great week too! Now prepare for a nice weekend. How about a cold shower ❄ 🚿? But if you really need some ⚡
🔋 Energy, I recommend you might want to have a nice cup of coffee ☕😉
Have a nice Friday and weekend!
Mary J. Blige - family affair
#friday #fridaymusic #fridaymotivation #weekend #weekendmusic #music #zoidtesmusic #coffee
#coffee #zoidtesmusic #music #weekendmusic #weekend #fridaymotivation #fridaymusic #friday
GOOOOOD MONDAY EVENING MASTOOOOO!!! :apartyblobcat: :ablobcatrave: :apartyblobcat:
I hope you all had a great weekend, and yes I also like to toot at the evening sometimes like I used to in the past. How was your Monday?
Energetic and powerful or more lazy?
I have to admit, I don't like mondays too but I have a little Hack here for you:
🥶 🚿 + ☕ =⚡ 💪🏾
Enjoy your week!
#monday #mondaymusic #mondaymotivation #music #happy #energy #coffe #coldshower #zoidtesmusic
#zoidtesmusic #coldshower #coffe #energy #happy #music #mondaymotivation #MondayMusic #monday
GOOOOD FRIDAY MORNING MASTOOOOO!!! :apartyblobcat: :ablobcatrave: :apartyblobcat:
This weekend is going to be hot, hot, hot🥵 🥵 🥵 🔥 🔥 🔥!
I cant wait for it 😍. You may want to take a cold shower🥶 🚿 when its that hot. And maybe a little coffee☕ boost if necessary to have energy⚡ 💪🏾 on this great weekend.
And I've got special hot tunes for you too! enjoy!
Doja Cat - Vegas
#friday #fridaymusic #fridaymotivation #weekend #weekendmusic #music #zoidtesmusic #coffee
#coffee #zoidtesmusic #music #weekendmusic #weekend #fridaymotivation #fridaymusic #friday
GOOOOOD MONDAY MORNING MASTOOOO!! :apartyblobcat: :ablobcatattention: :ablobcatattentionreverse:
Do you feel sleepy and in need of energy ⚡ 💪🏾 ?
Then let me give you a little tip:
Have a cold 🥶 shower🚿 and maybe your most favourite coffee ☕ afterwards. This will do the trick😌.
I wish you all a great start into the week!👍🏾
#monday #mondaymusic #mondaymotivation #music #happy #energy #coffe #coldshower #zoidtesmusic
#zoidtesmusic #coldshower #coffe #energy #happy #music #mondaymotivation #MondayMusic #monday
GOOOOOD FRIDAY EVENING MASTOOOOOOO!!!! :ablobcatrave: :ablobcatbongo: :apartyblobcat:
After a stressful week(at least for me) we are back again this Friday evening!
I already got my cold ❄ shower 🚿 this morning, I hope you had one too!
Of course I got a hot 🔥 coffee ☕ afterwards to boost the energy ⚡ 💪 for the weekend, Enjoy!
Wizkid feat. Justin Bieber - Essence
#friday #fridaymusic #fridaymotivation #weekend #weekendmusic #music #zoidtesmusic #coffee #happy
#happy #coffee #zoidtesmusic #music #weekendmusic #weekend #fridaymotivation #fridaymusic #friday
GOOOOOD FRIDAY MORNING MASTOOOOOO!!!! :apartyblobcat: :ablobcatrave: :apartyblobcat: :
The weather looks great this weekend.
Well I'd prefer if its 10°C hotter but I'm happy as it is right now.
Besides that, how is your energy ⚡ budget this weekend? Will you consider a 🥶 🚿?
Or maybe a your most favourite ☕?
Bruno Mars, Anderson Paak, Silk Sonic - Skate
#friday #fridaymusic #fridaymotivation #weekend #weekendmusic #music #zoidtesmusic #coffee #happy #friends
#friends #happy #coffee #zoidtesmusic #music #weekendmusic #weekend #fridaymotivation #fridaymusic #friday
GOOOOOOD MONDAY MORNING MASTOOOO :apartyblobcat: :ablobcatrave: :apartyblobcat:
The month is ending and we hit the middle of the year! Time flies by like never before it seems.
Maybe a cold shower🥶 🚿 will slow the time down? A minute under the cold shower feels longer than usually. After that a good coffee ☕ , so you are really up this week⚡ 💪🏾
OutKast - The Way You Move
#monday #mondaymusic #mondaymotivation #music #happy #energy #coffe #coldshower #zoidtesmusic
#zoidtesmusic #coldshower #coffe #energy #happy #music #mondaymotivation #MondayMusic #monday
GOOOOD FRIDAY MORNING MASTOOOO :apartyblobcat: :ablobcatrave: :apartyblobcat:
It's finally Friday again
What have you planned this weekend and is your energy ⚡ enough for it?
If not, I have a secret to share.
Have a cold shower ❄ 🚿 and enjoy your favourite ☕ coffee, you will see! This works great!
Enjoy your weekend! 👍👍
Bruno Mars - Versace on the floor
#friday #fridaymusic #fridaymotivation #weekend #weekendmusic #music #happy #energy #coffee #zoidtesmusic
#zoidtesmusic #coffee #energy #happy #music #weekendmusic #weekend #fridaymotivation #fridaymusic #friday
GOOOOOD FRIDAY MORNING MASTOOOOOO :apartyblobcat: :ablobcatrave: :apartyblobcat: :ablobcatrave:
A cold shower!🥶 🚿
And a hot coffee☕ afterwards?
Now THATS energy⚡ 💪🏾 🔋 And you are ready to go for this weekend 👍🏾.
Enjoy the the weather and have some fun, you deserve it.
Its your move this weekend, use it!👌🏾
Diana Ross - Its your move
#friday #fridaymusic #fridaymotivation #weekend #weekendmusic #music #happy #energy #coffee #zoidtesmusic
#zoidtesmusic #coffee #energy #happy #music #weekendmusic #weekend #fridaymotivation #fridaymusic #friday
GOOOOOOOOD FRIDAY MORNING MASTOOOOOO! :apartyblobcat: :ablobcatrave: :apartyblobcat:
Its sunny, its warm, the trees are green, my favourite weather☀️ 🌳 .
Y'all know what's making the day even better? Yes! A sip of your most favourite coffee ☕ and of course a cold shower🥶 🚿. With those things done, I guess we all have enough energy💪🏾 ⚡ for the weekend, Enjoy! 👍🏾
#friday #fridaymusic #fridaymotivation #weekend #weekendmusic #music #happy #energy #coffe #zoidtesmusic
#zoidtesmusic #coffe #energy #happy #music #weekendmusic #weekend #fridaymotivation #fridaymusic #friday
GOOOO FRIDAY MORNING MASTOOOO!! :ablobcatrave: :ablobcatbongo: :ablobcatattention: :ablobcatrave:
Wow its already the end of April, time has flown by a lot, somehow I'm still stuck at the beginning of this year. Maybe a cold ❄ shower 🚿 or a fine sip of my favourite coffee ☕ brings me in the proper month 🤔😅
Shania Twain - that don't impress me much
#friday #fridaymusic #fridaymotivation #weekend #weekendmusic #music #happy #energy #coffe #zoidtesmusic
#zoidtesmusic #coffe #energy #happy #music #weekendmusic #weekend #fridaymotivation #fridaymusic #friday
GOOOO FRIDAY MORNING MASTOOOO :ablobcatrave: :ablobcatbongo: :ablobcatattention: :ablobcatrave:
What a nice week, and now I can't wait for the weekend to come😌Are you ready too?
If not I have two little tips for you :
Have a cold ❄ shower🚿 and enjoy a good sip of your most favourite coffee ☕ afterwards, enioy!
Max Herr ft. Joy Denalane - 1ste Liebe
#friday #fridaymusic #fridaymotivation #weekend #weekendmusic #music #happy #energy #coffe #zoidtesmusic
#zoidtesmusic #coffe #energy #happy #music #weekendmusic #weekend #fridaymotivation #fridaymusic #friday