Finally updated my #personalsite of rants & randoms at
Still need to update the bunny galleries with fresh stuff and work out the quirks on the mobile menu, but was able to keep it a #staticsite and javascript free! Using #zola ( was a good decision though, it made everything so much easier to change.
#zola #staticsite #personalsite uses a mutilated variant of the adidoks theme ( mixed with
The reason for this was to shave some bits of, and make things smol-ish.
Sakura is great, but we really need something that's better at what we called "multicolumn" back in the day. Any recommendations?
See also and
#webdesign #css #zola #grid
“Bring me a pot of pomade and a pound of burnt almonds ….”
–“Nana” by Émile Zola
#Nana #NanaBook #NanaNovel #Zola #ÉmileZola #EmileZola #LesRougonMacquart #Literature #FrenchLiterature
#nana #nanabook #nananovel #zola #emilezola #lesrougonmacquart #literature #frenchliterature
Tras buscar por todo Internet cómo automatizar en mi blog usando #zola el listado de mis papers a partir en Bibtex #bibtex no he encontrado cómo hacerlo. Así pues, al tener que hacer muchas pruebas he documentado cómo hacerlo en: y ahí se puede ver cómo se ve:
It has very good performance (written in Rust) and its templating features using Tera are awesome!
Here is a link to Zola:
Here is a link to Tera which is used for the templates:
I would love to help if you have any questions :blobcatheart:
I also have some examples, my website is one :D Tell me if you would like to have more ;)
Although I came already very far with my new web pages based on #zola cms I still dream about a more basic non-front-matter collection of folders, text/md files, other-media files at a center of blog+portfolio+knowledge-base and PHP solely as an on-the-fly and temporary on-the-disk index+html generator. i want to try this again. but I have to remind myself again, I have no resources.
For the #Zola static site generator, it's not enough to have the theme's #templates directory, e.g. /themes/my-theme/templates/, but you need to have a /templates directory in the project's root, too -- even if it's empty.
Spent at least 10 minutes until I found the reason for the error message. Once you know the problem, the error message makes sense 😜
did some more hacking on my underconstruction site using tera templating language. it's a learning curve, but I managed to tick two tasks in 'version 0.6'.
Avec un peuW^beaucoup de retard et d'appréhension, j'annonce le lancement de
J'en profite pour remercier et promouvoir SourceHut pour l'hébergement et Zola pour son moteur.
J'ai plusieurs pistes pour intégrer du crosspost vers Masto ainsi que pour tenter de gérer des commentaires.
Si vous avez des recommandations, n'hésitez pas !
#blog #100DaysToOffload #sourcehut #zola
I built a bespoke linkroll for things I run across here (Mastodon) and elsewhere on the interwebs.
Here's what I built:
(Suggest following the RSS feed if you're up for that, as I won't generally broadcast here or elsewhere.)
For extra geek bonus points, here's how I built it:
Hope you enjoy one or both of these! | Zola, Bonginkosi Dlamini – Zingu 7 | #music #Zola #BonginkosiDlamini #Zingu7
#music #zola #bonginkosidlamini #zingu7
Spent my sunday working on my #blog, I think it's looking nice.
Made it in #zola with a custom template written from scratch.
It has only a bunch of dummy content for now, but planning on writing about #nix and #nixos in the near future.
"Ox-zola" is a package for #emacs that allows you to easily export your content from the #orgmode format to #markdown, taking care to ensure that the metadata of the exported Markdown file is compatible with those supported by the static site generator #zola.
#emacs #orgmode #markdown #zola
22h18 dimanche, #Zola est compilé, un premier launch d'essai pour voir si ça marche 🎉
y a plus qu'à ! 🤪 toujours dans l'objectif de me passer de Wordpress pour mon blog perso 🚧
Today in Labor History June 16, 1869: In the small mining town of Ricamarie, France, troops opened fire on miners who were protesting the arrest of 40 workers. As a result, troops killed 14 people, including a 17-month-old girl in her mother’s arms. Furthermore, they wounded 60 others, including 10 children. This strike, and another in Aubin, along with the Paris Commune, were major inspirations for Emile Zola’s seminal work, “Germinal,” and the reason he chose to focus on revolutionary worker actions.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #Revolution #zola #germinal #mining #insurrection #france #strike #military #massacre #writer #author #fiction #novel @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #Revolution #zola #germinal #mining #insurrection #france #strike #military #massacre #writer #author #fiction #novel