Weis einer wann weitere folgen von #thelastofus (Serie) kommen?
Ich fand die 1 Staffel wirklich mega :blobcataww:
#tlou #thelastofusserie #serie #film #zombi #zombies #virus #tv #gamemovie #movie #series #serien #horrormovies #mastodonmovies
#thelastofus #tlou #thelastofusserie #serie #film #zombi #zombies #virus #tv #gamemovie #movie #series #serien #horrormovies #mastodonmovies
Weis einer wann weitere folgen von #thelastofus (Serie)?
Ich fand die 1 Staffel wirklich mega :blobcataww:
#tlou #thelastofusserie #serie #film #zombi #zombies #virus #tv #gamemovie #movie #series #serien #horrormovies #mastodonmovies
#thelastofus #tlou #thelastofusserie #serie #film #zombi #zombies #virus #tv #gamemovie #movie #series #serien #horrormovies #mastodonmovies
BEN and ED.
Está ilustración está un poco gore, si saben del juego ya entenderán, solo me imaginé la escena sin ropa, que opinan les gusta este tipo de ilustraciones?
#shota #gore #zombi #zombie #benanded #blood #walking
#shota #gore #zombi #zombie #benanded #blood #walking
Et côté culture bah j'arrivais juste pas à suivre. Du coup les tomates ont pris le #mildiou et sont en mode #zombi. Je pense à les arracher. J'hésite.
Et le reste du #champ est taquet en retard. L'herbe me déborde de partout, j'ai pas pu planter, les planches préparées se sont recompactées... Les plants végètent dans leurs godets...
Kotaku: The Internet's Freaking Out Over Dead Island 2’s Incredible Gore https://kotaku.com/gore-dead-island-2-release-date-twitter-tiktok-gameplay-1850369319 #gaming #tech #kotaku #englishlanguagefilms #nightofthelivingdead #horrorvideogames #horrorfiction #creativeworks #windowsgames #davidstenton #environment #deadisland #videogames #deepsilver #culture #zombie #algore #zombi
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #englishlanguagefilms #nightofthelivingdead #horrorvideogames #horrorfiction #creativeworks #windowsgames #davidstenton #environment #deadisland #videogames #deepsilver #Culture #zombie #algore #zombi
Hell of the Living Dead (1980)
The film does have its fair share of moments and these are why it is so fondly remembered, and worth sitting
#MovieStuffs #Reviews #BrunoMattei #ClaudioFragasso #DawnoftheDead #DuskoftheDead #FrancoGarofalo #GabrielRenom #Goblin #HelloftheLivingDead #JoséGras #JosepLluísFonoll #MargieNewton #NightoftheZombies #SelanKaray #SoyoumightknowthisfilmasZombiesCreepingFlesh #Virus #Zombi #Zombi4 #Zombie4
#zombie4 #zombi4 #zombi #Virus #soyoumightknowthisfilmaszombiescreepingflesh #selankaray #nightofthezombies #margienewton #joseplluisfonoll #josegras #hellofthelivingdead #goblin #gabrielrenom #francogarofalo #duskofthedead #dawnofthedead #claudiofragasso #brunomattei #reviews #moviestuffs
Those Lower Manhattan skylines make me nostalgic for my home of 25 years #Zombi #TheLastDriveIn
Back 4 Blood , l'héritier de « left 4 dead »
https://youtu.be/ADyHDxcAJn8 #video #videogame #zombi #jeu #jeuxvideo #coop
#video #videogame #zombi #jeu #jeuxvideo #coop
Kotaku: Let’s Break Down Dead Island 2’s Gnarly, ‘Anatomically Correct’ Flesh System https://kotaku.com/dead-island-2-release-date-flesh-system-combat-ps5-pc-1850229441 #gaming #tech #kotaku #roleplayingvideogames #openworldvideogames #videogamesequels #horrorvideogames #danevanslawes #timesplitters #windowsgames #davidstenton #videogaming #sumodigital #deadisland #cronenberg #videogames #aaronridge #zombie #zombi #games
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #roleplayingvideogames #openworldvideogames #videogamesequels #horrorvideogames #danevanslawes #timesplitters #windowsgames #davidstenton #videogaming #sumodigital #deadisland #cronenberg #videogames #aaronridge #zombie #zombi #games
Chiedo scusa per la domanda che riguarda i film di zombi (siano essi lenti alla Romero o veloci alla Snyder):
ma è mai possibile che non emettano alcun odore, queste creature in putrefazione da giorni, se non da anni?
In molti film/serie TV i personaggi si accorgono della loro presenza solo dai suoni o solo quando avviene il contatto visivo. Eppure dovrebbe esserci un fortissimo odore di carne marcia nell'aria.
Mi è capitato fra le mani proprio ora... e io non posso fare a meno di consigliare qualcosa di Stanislaw Lem quando è destino. Quindi, primo consiglio di un #libro del 2023: “L'indagine del tenente Gregory”, edito da Bollati Boringhieri.
La quarta di copertina recita: “L'appassionante giallo di un maestro della fantascienza“.
Tutto vero, ma si potrebbe anche descrivere come un romanzo a tema #zombi.
Lo consiglio caldamente! Detto da uno che non ama gli zombi.
OG Zombies!
#zombie #zombies #notstonks #zombieapocalypse #freeezhel #zombi #keloğlanedit #herkessussabizsusmak #barısozcan #sönmezreyiz #zombiemakeup #abbasyanbasan #tolunayören #barışözcan #outlast #hıgola #böh #sagopakajmer #ceza #ezhel #jahrein #montaj #zombieart #abbas #walkingdead #thewalkingdead #zombiemovie #undead #stonks #twd
#zombie #zombies #notstonks #zombieapocalypse #freeezhel #zombi #keloglanedit #herkessussabizsusmak #barisozcan #sonmezreyiz #zombiemakeup #abbasyanbasan #tolunayoren #outlast #higola #boh #SagopaKajmer #ceza #ezhel #jahrein #montaj #zombieart #abbas #walkingdead #thewalkingdead #zombiemovie #undead #stonks #twd
My favorite place in the world, #TokyoBigSight. The first time I went, I deliberately didn’t look at it until I was right in front of it. Then, I put on my headphones and began playing “Night Rhythms” (those opening chords! link below) by #Zombi, and I looked up. It was like a badass UFO had landed right in front of me! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sb60Mfd0vrw
I don't remember what year I first noticed Dawn of the Dead, but I know that the first version I saw was cut to ribbons - and it still blew me away. Right after I ordered (for a shitload of money) a Dutch tape with the European cut and it blew me away even more!
#dawnofthedead #georgearomero #georgeromero #zombiemovie #horrorclassic #zombies #zombi #darioargento #goblin #tomsavini
#dawnofthedead #georgearomero #georgeromero #zombiemovie #horrorclassic #zombies #zombi #darioargento #goblin #tomsavini
👎👎 👎 Acabo de veure Península, la seqüela de Tren cap a Busan. Si ets un fan del tema zombi ni se t'acudeixi veure-la: no és de zombis. Explica l'intent de recuperar 20 milions de dòlars a la zona contaminada (Corea, la península). Avorrida, dolenta, mal interpretada i sense solta ni gràcia. Només per fans dels últims Rambos més eixelebrats.
#zombi #traintobusan #peninsulacaca
Este #viernes se estrena "#Decadencia"
#decay #pelicula #creativecommons #CCBYNC #libre #cine #hd #cern #zombi #Decadencia #viernes
Echa un vistazo a esta entrada… " #PODCAST - EL #ZOMBI VUDU".