There are only two certainties in this world…
1. Death, and
2. Keynesianism is a false economy.
#falseEconomy #growthism #growthObsession #debt #circleOfLife #noCircleOfLife #zombieEconomy #zombieBanks #boomBust #noBoomBust #bitcoinFixesThis #whyBitcoinCore #zeroWaste
#falseEconomy #growthism #growthObsession #debt #circleoflife #noCircleOfLife #zombieEconomy #zombieBanks #boomBust #noBoomBust #bitcoinfixesthis #whyBitcoinCore #zerowaste
"You should be #confident in the #stockMarket – that's the whole reason we allow our friends to buyback their own #stonks from the money we print.
#confidenceTrick #moneyPrinterGoDrr #zombieBanks #howVeryKeynesian #BitcoinCore whyBitcoinCore
#confident #stockmarket #stonks #confidenceTrick #moneyPrinterGoDrr #zombieBanks #HowVeryKeynesian #bitcoincore
"A little bit of trust saves you a fortune".
"A *little bit* of trust"?
Saves *who* a fortune?
#moneyPrinterGoBrr #privatisation #paypal #julianAssange #wikileaks #swift #IMF #GFC #bailouts #wallstreet #negativeInterestRates #speculation #repoMarkets #GFC #venezuela #gold #regimeChange #swift #UK #goldTheft #USA #VietnamWar #iran #libya #ClintonFoundation #moneyLosers #zombieBanks #inflation #stockBuybacks #forcedNews #killary #MIC #MMT #thePentagon #lost20trillion #fakeanthropy
#moneyPrinterGoBrr #privatisation #paypal #julianassange #wikileaks #swift #imf #gfc #bailouts #wallstreet #NegativeInterestRates #speculation #repoMarkets #venezuela #gold #regimechange #uk #goldTheft #usa #vietnamwar #iran #libya #clintonfoundation #moneyLosers #zombieBanks #inflation #stockBuybacks #forcedNews #killary #mic #mmt #thePentagon #lost20trillion #fakeanthropy
"A little bit of trust saves you a fortune".
"A *little bit* of trust"?
Saves *who* a fortune?
#moneyPrinterGoBrr #privatisation #paypal #julianAssange #wikileaks #swift #IMF #GFC #bailouts #wallstreet #negativeInterestRates #speculation #repoMarkets #GFC #venezuela #gold #regimeChange #swift #UK #goldTheft #USA #VietnamWar #iran #libya #ClintonFoundation #moneyLosers #zombieBanks #inflation #stockBuybacks #forcedNews #killary #MIC #MMT #thePentagon #lost20trillion #fakeanthropy
#bailouts #wallstreet #NegativeInterestRates #speculation #repoMarkets #venezuela #gold #regimechange #uk #goldTheft #usa #vietnamwar #iran #libya #clintonfoundation #moneyLosers #zombieBanks #inflation #stockBuybacks #forcedNews #killary #mic #mmt #thePentagon #lost20trillion #fakeanthropy #moneyPrinterGoBrr #privatisation #paypal #julianassange #wikileaks #swift #imf #gfc
It would be good to show the tens of #billions of #moneyPrinting done every day in late 2019, to keep the #shareMarket kicking.
#pyramidScheme #ponziScheme #speculation #zombieBanks #friendsOfJeffreyEpstein #jeffreyEpstein #bankers #centralBanking #GIABO #bankerOccupation #wallStreet #tooBigToFail #tooBigToJail #fiatCurrency #ponzi #fiat #cantillonEffect #trickleDownFallacy #assetInflation
#billions #moneyPrinting #shareMarket #pyramidscheme #ponzischeme #speculation #zombieBanks #friendsOfJeffreyEpstein #jeffreyepstein #bankers #centralBanking #GIABO #bankerOccupation #wallstreet #toobigtofail #tooBigToJail #fiatCurrency #ponzi #fiat #cantilloneffect #trickleDownFallacy #assetinflation