On September 2, 2022, Day of the Dead and I Was a Teenage Zombie were screened as a double-feature on TCM Underground. Here's some art inspired by both features!
#TCMUnderground #TCMParty #SaveTCM #DayOfTheDead #IWasATeenageZombie #GeorgeARomero #HorrorComedy #Zombies #ZombieArt #Horror #HorrorArt #CultCinema #MidnightMovies #SplatterFilm
#tcmunderground #TCMParty #savetcm #dayofthedead #iwasateenagezombie #georgearomero #horrorcomedy #zombies #zombieart #horror #horrorart #cultcinema #midnightmovies #splatterfilm
On August 25, 1979, Zombi 2 debuted in Italy. Here’s some original horror art to mark the occasion!
#Zombi2 #LucioFulci #HorrorMovies #ZombieMovies #HorrorArt #ZombieArt #70sHorror #ItalianHorror #SplatterFilm #Zombies #VideoNasty #TheLastDriveIn #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#zombi2 #luciofulci #horrormovies #zombiemovies #horrorart #zombieart #70shorror #italianhorror #splatterfilm #zombies #videonasty #thelastdrivein #art #movieart #moviehistory
Had no idea what to draw do I went onto a promot site. The prompt was "ugly zombie princess" although I think she is rather pretty for a zombie. Not really my usual style but hey.
#sketch #sketchbook #zombie #zombieart #art #drawing
#sketch #sketchbook #zombie #zombieart #art #drawing
On July 10, 2020, Army of Darkness was screened at Flashback Weekend. Here’s some Bruce Campbell fan art!
#ArmyOfDarkness #SamRaimi #BruceCampbell #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #HorrorFanArt #FantasyFilm #CultMovies #DarkFantasy #Art #ZombieMovies #ZombieArt #MovieHistory
#armyofdarkness #samraimi #brucecampbell #horrormovies #horrorart #horrorfanart #fantasyfilm #cultmovies #darkfantasy #art #zombiemovies #zombieart #moviehistory
On July 7, 2011, The Evil Dead was screened at the Neuchatel International Festival of Fantastic Film. Here’s some art to mark the occasion!
#TheEvilDead #EvilDead #SamRaimi #BruceCampbell #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #HorrorFans #80sHorror #ZombieMovies #ZombieArt #SupernaturalHorror #Art #HorrorArt #MovieArt
#theevildead #evildead #samraimi #brucecampbell #horrormovies #horrorart #horrorfans #80sHorror #zombiemovies #zombieart #supernaturalhorror #art #movieart
On June 30, 2007, Army of Darkness was screened at the Moonlit Matinees Film Festival. Here’s some Bruce Campbell fan art!
#ArmyOfDarkness #SamRaimi #BruceCampbell #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #HorrorFanArt #FantasyFilm #CultMovies #DarkFantasy #Art #ZombieMovies #ZombieArt #MovieHistory
#armyofdarkness #samraimi #brucecampbell #horrormovies #horrorart #horrorfanart #fantasyfilm #cultmovies #darkfantasy #art #zombiemovies #zombieart #moviehistory
On June 18, 1993, Army of Darkness debuted in Sweden. Here’s some Bruce Campbell fan art!
#ArmyOfDarkness #SamRaimi #BruceCampbell #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #HorrorFanArt #FantasyFilm #CultMovies #DarkFantasy #Art #ZombieMovies #ZombieArt #MovieHistory
#armyofdarkness #samraimi #brucecampbell #horrormovies #horrorart #horrorfanart #fantasyfilm #cultmovies #darkfantasy #art #zombiemovies #zombieart #moviehistory
On June 9, 1994, Army of Darkness was released on VHS in Hungary. Here’s some Bruce Campbell fan art!
#ArmyOfDarkness #SamRaimi #BruceCampbell #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #HorrorFanArt #FantasyFilm #CultMovies #DarkFantasy #Art #ZombieMovies #ZombieArt #MovieHistory
#armyofdarkness #samraimi #brucecampbell #horrormovies #horrorart #horrorfanart #fantasyfilm #cultmovies #darkfantasy #art #zombiemovies #zombieart #moviehistory
On June 1, 1980, Zombi 2 debuted in the United Kingdom. Here’s some original horror art to mark the occasion!
#Zombi2 #LucioFulci #HorrorMovies #ZombieMovies #HorrorArt #ZombieArt #70sHorror #ItalianHorror #SplatterFilm #Zombies #VideoNasty #TheLastDriveIn #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#zombi2 #luciofulci #horrormovies #zombiemovies #horrorart #zombieart #70shorror #italianhorror #splatterfilm #zombies #videonasty #thelastdrivein #art #movieart #moviehistory
Happy birthday, Night of the Living Dead star Judith O’Dea! Here’s some Barbara fan art to celebrate!
#HappyBirthday #JudithODea #NightOfTheLivingDead #ZombieMovies #HorrorMovies #HorrorFam #MutantFam #TCMUnderground #Svengoolie #Elvira #TLDI #Art #ZombieArt #MovieArt #Birthday #MovieHistory
#happybirthday #judithodea #nightofthelivingdead #zombiemovies #horrormovies #HorrorFam #MutantFam #tcmunderground #svengoolie #Elvira #tldi #art #zombieart #movieart #birthday #moviehistory
On April 15, 2005, Dawn of the Dead was screened at the Buenos Aires International Festival of Independent Cinema. Here’s some Ken Foree art to mark the occasion!
#DawnOfTheDead #DawnOfTheDead1978 #GeorgeARomero #KenForee #ZombieMovies #ZombieArt #HorrorArt #HorrorMovies #70sHorror #SplatterFilm #CultCinema #FanArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#dawnofthedead #dawnofthedead1978 #georgearomero #kenforee #zombiemovies #zombieart #horrorart #horrormovies #70shorror #splatterfilm #cultcinema #FanArt #movieart #moviehistory
On April 7, 1979, Dawn of the Dead was screened at the USA Film Festival. Here’s some zombie art to mark the occasion!
#DawnOfTheDead #DawnOfTheDead1978 #GeorgeARomero #ZombieMovies #ZombieArt #HorrorArt #HorrorMovies #70sHorror #SplatterFilm #CultCinema #FanArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#dawnofthedead #dawnofthedead1978 #georgearomero #zombiemovies #zombieart #horrorart #horrormovies #70shorror #splatterfilm #cultcinema #FanArt #movieart #moviehistory
On April 2, 1993, Night of the Living Dead debuted in the United Kingdom. Here’s some original Tony Todd art to mark the occasion!
#NightOfTheLivingDead #TomSavini #TonyTodd #Horror #HorrorMovies #MonsterVision #HorrorArt #ZombieArt #Zombies #Art #PopArt #HorrorRemakes #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#nightofthelivingdead #tomsavini #tonytodd #horror #horrormovies #monstervision #horrorart #zombieart #zombies #art #popart #horrorremakes #movieart #moviehistory
On April 1, 2022, Day of the Dead and Night of the Living Dead were screened as a double-feature on TCM Underground. Here’s some original art inspired by both zombie classics!
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #DayOfTheDead #NightOfTheLivingDead #HorrorMovies #ZombieMovies #ZombieArt #CultCinema #DoubleFeature #GeorgeARomero #Zombies #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#TCMParty #tcmunderground #dayofthedead #nightofthelivingdead #horrormovies #zombiemovies #zombieart #cultcinema #doublefeature #georgearomero #zombies #art #movieart #moviehistory
On March 9, 1980, Dawn of the Dead debuted in the United Kingdom. Here’s some zombie art to mark the occasion!
#DawnOfTheDead #DawnOfTheDead1978 #GeorgeARomero #ZombieMovies #ZombieArt #HorrorArt #HorrorMovies #70sHorror #SplatterFilm #CultCinema #FanArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#dawnofthedead #dawnofthedead1978 #georgearomero #zombiemovies #zombieart #horrorart #horrormovies #70shorror #splatterfilm #cultcinema #FanArt #movieart #moviehistory
On March 1, 1936, The Walking Dead premiered in New York City. Here’s some new original Boris Karloff art to celebrate!
#TheWalkingDead #MichaelCurtiz #BorisKarloff #JohnEllman #Horror #SciFi #MadScientistFilm #ZombieMovies #Zombies #ClassicFilm #TCMUnderground #ZombieArt #HorrorArt #CMYK #Art #PopArt #ModernArt #Portrait #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#Thewalkingdead #michaelcurtiz #boriskarloff #johnellman #horror #scifi #madscientistfilm #zombiemovies #zombies #classicfilm #tcmunderground #zombieart #horrorart #cmyk #art #popart #modernart #portrait #movieart #moviehistory
Happy Black History Month cult film fans! Continuing with my new daily portraits of some of my favorite black cult film icons. Honoring Tony Todd and all of his contributions to horror movies with this portrait of him as Ben from Tom Savini’s Night of the Living Dead remake!
#BlackHistoryMonth #NewArt #NightOfTheLivingDead #TonyTodd #HorrorMovie #ZombieMovies #ZombieArt #HorrorMovies #SiegeFilm #BlackCinema #CultFilm #TomSavini #HorrorArt #MovieArt #Art #NOTLD #NightOfTheLivingDead1991
#blackhistorymonth #newart #nightofthelivingdead #tonytodd #horrormovie #zombiemovies #zombieart #horrormovies #siegefilm #blackcinema #cultfilm #tomsavini #horrorart #movieart #art #notld #nightofthelivingdead1991
On February 13, 2018 Night of the Living Dead was released on Criterion Collection DVD and Blu-ray. Marking the occasion with some original Duane Jones art!
#NightOfTheLivingDead #GeorgeARomero #DuaneJones #ZombieMovies #HorrorMovies #ExploitationFilm #60sHorror #ZombieArt #Art #FanArt #ClassicHorror #CultCinema #Drawing #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#nightofthelivingdead #georgearomero #duanejones #zombiemovies #horrormovies #exploitationfilm #60shorror #zombieart #art #FanArt #classichorror #cultcinema #drawing #movieart #moviehistory
On February 8, 2003 The Evil Dead was re-released in Tokyo. Here’s some new Deadite art that I just wrapped-up to mark the occasion!!
#TheEvilDead #EvilDead #SamRaimi #BruceCampbell #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #HorrorFans #80sHorror #ZombieMovies #ZombieArt #SupernaturalHorror #Art #HorrorArt #MovieArt
#theevildead #evildead #samraimi #brucecampbell #horrormovies #horrorart #horrorfans #80sHorror #zombiemovies #zombieart #supernaturalhorror #art #movieart
On January 5, 1994 Army of Darkness debuted in Belgium and France. Here’s some original Bruce Campbell fan art!
#ArmyOfDarkness #SamRaimi #BruceCampbell #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #HorrorFanArt #FantasyFilm #CultMovies #DarkFantasy #Art #ZombieMovies #ZombieArt #MovieHistory
#armyofdarkness #samraimi #brucecampbell #horrormovies #horrorart #horrorfanart #fantasyfilm #cultmovies #darkfantasy #art #zombiemovies #zombieart #moviehistory