if people’s behavior IS truly changing, it’s been on our radar since January 2021 #CovidPapers
granted my reclusive behavior has reached peak heights, but have learned to trust my gut enough to know people are TRYING to infect me
#zombieBug in nature is controlled by #fungus so it’s not a stretch that a #virus will do the same
#brainDead series was supposed to be fiction, not reality
#covidpapers #zombiebug #fungus #virus #braindead #CovidIsNotOver
uhm.. was today years old when I learned the history of #eugenics & omfg; we are screwed b/c if I didn’t know…whole lots of people don’t know
the thing about #sarscov2.. it doesn’t discriminate. Get reinfection yet manage to survive.. you just become a #zombieBug
thing you can always count on with #psychopaths is #hubris
Now I truly understand the horror of #ClarenceThomas #SCOTUS #ChristianRight & how they are trying their damndest to drag us back to 1930’s #fascism
#eugenics #sarscov2 #zombiebug #psychopaths #hubris #clarencethomas #SCOTUS #ChristianRight #fascism
#brainDamage #alzheimers #Dementia #CognitiveImpairment #CognitiveNeuroscience #cognitivescience
All of this going to be a giant problem
Always clung to fact that China was doing the right thing, so if our Western society collapsed, there was always them
Now that dream went poof
We’re going to be society of young #zombieBug running the world just like that dark comedy sitcom #BrainDead
I don’t think #zombieApocalypse is #hyperbole #whatsoever anymore💔 #wearADamnMask #CleanAir #HEPA #maskHard
#braindamage #alzheimers #dementia #CognitiveImpairment #CognitiveNeuroscience #cognitivescience #zombiebug #braindead #zombieapocalypse #hyperbole #whatsoever #WearADamnMask #cleanair #HEPA #maskhard
Idk if this is happening to anyone else as when I first noticed it several months ago, thought I was being paranoid when a🚫😷older man seemed to purposefully walk by too close to me…
But now really think these people are trying to infect those of us who are #zeroCovid
just yelled at an old lady when she tried to push her way into a small laundry room & slammed the door in her face🫣😳😱
spent 1/2 my life in SF & when I was in scary situations my defense was to act utterly more insane🤦🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️ #zombieBug