@jann @mikebrew Because at the time #HeroStrange (who spoke through #ZombieStrange ) and "838 Christine" were in the crumbling universe of #SinisterStrange #DoctorStrange #MultiverseOfMadness
#herostrange #zombiestrange #sinisterstrange #doctorstrange #multiverseofmadness
@mikebrew I just re-watched #DoctorStrange #MoM & noticed w/subtitles on, you see that the universe America Chavez opened the portal to (to show Wanda her kids) was #838! When that universe’s Wanda spoke, the subtitles read: ”838 Wanda” followed by that Wanda speaking.
838 was also the universe #Strange was taken in front of the #illuminati.
So I found it strange when America told #ZombieStrange “I’ll find you”, all she had to do was open a portal to the same place.
Or did I miss something.🤔
#doctorstrange #mom #strange #illuminati #zombiestrange