@jadp @RedRobyn @airshipper That’s the best cardoon soup photo. Thank you. We #Garden with Seed Savers seeds. Their Pak Choi varieties are successful in #Minnesota. The growing zone is #Zone4b. So Pak Choi is a dependable substitute.
@nicd Everyone is composting garden materials. It’s on the list from #GretaThunberg. Save the planet. Make more soil. A basic #compost operation is wire fencing around three sides of your compost pile. Add your garden materials and wait for the composting biology teammates to join the process.
A corner of the Mastodon community is reserved for #Composting enthusiasts. I hope you get more fun tips. #Minnesota, #Zone4b.
#gretathunberg #compost #composting #minnesota #zone4b
@BroadforkForVictory Yes. the first 94 pages are full of lovely gardening ideas. I am almost to the garden amendments recipes pages. The nettle and dandelion ingredients are not ready yet in #Zone4b, #Minnesota. The leaf mold and #Duck eggshells are available. The amendments in the book are going to help the apple trees too. The forecast overnight temperatures are below freezing yet. Thank you. #Compost, #Sustainability, #Rewild.
#zone4b #minnesota #duck #compost #sustainability #rewild
@BroadforkForVictory Thank you for sharing the Korean Nettle Juice process. This small volume ferment is going to be easy to work with and store. The 2023 nettle plants are going to wake up and grow up any day. #Zone4b #Minnesota.
One day it’s warm enough for a crocus blossom. The next day several are blooming. The pollinators are flying missions by the second day. #Zone4b. #Minnesota. #Pollinators.
#zone4b #minnesota #pollinators
@StrawbeRai @3DBill Welcome to the Mastodon FediVerse. The #startrek enthusiasts have homes everywhere. The #Garden enthusiasts are almost everywhere. We garden in #Zone4b in Minnesota. Our peppers and tomatoes can’t stay out at night until mid May. They share fruits just fine. Have a good season.
@HelenGraham It is wonderful when the egg laying season comes around. And your flock is looking good. We are getting a few eggs each day from the runner duck team. It’s #Zone4b and we have snow on the ground. But not everywhere.
@r_heisman You have three signs of spring. Thanks for sharing the photos. We kicked at the snow cover over the rhubarb yesterday. Your #NativePlant garden is ahead of #Zone4b. Yes. Rhubarb is a native plant. Somewhere.
@donkeyherder That’s a great resource. The “Holistic Orchard” by Michael Phillips is on our table. Good luck with your fruit trees. The apple tree buds are still silver here. We are planning to backpack spray in the next days. #Orchard, #AppleTree. #Zone4b.
@KeithDJohnson Also 6a is daikon fermented in kimchi. Thank you for the additional green garden space advice. #Zone4b, the vegetable garden still has snow cover.
@tickfoot Thank you for sharing the #KoreanNaturalFarming fermentation information. Small batch fermentation of nettles looks easy enough for almost every garden. Nettle plants are aggressive in our area. #Zone4b. The nettle underground runner is a championship sprinter.
@GPJohnston #Garlic, garlic, garlic. The garlic is looking good after a winter of deep thought. #Zone4b reporting a foot of snow over our garlic spot.
@nativeplants A watched pot never boils. The first speck to be seen is often the root poking out of the seed. Germination may be waiting for higher overnight temperatures. A snowdrop bulb pushing greens is always first here in #Zone4b. Snowdrops are open today on the south side of the house.
@feinschmeckergarten These are good photos of the steps to build a tunnel at the garden. I’ll have to watch the fasteners that will go into the wire frame. Our winds can take down the temporary fabric tunnels ahead of plans. #Zone4b. Less than two feet of snow in the vegetable garden.
@yvan We’re going to need a bigger #Allotment. That a common refrain. What a great variety of plants. I see comfrey seeds. We started comfrey in with the apple trees and runner ducks for long season blossoms and green manure. Its great. The plants are vigorous. The seeds travel via birds and mammals. This is my polite garden talk for an aggressive plant. #Zone4b still has two feet of snow.
@scopes The #NativePlant varieties have several strategies to help them overwinter and sprout. Cold stratification in moist sand improves the germination for many varieties. Direct sow is a common strategy. We use the Prairie Moon Nursery web site to learn how to improve the germination success. #Rewilding. #Pollinators #Zone4b
#nativeplant #rewilding #pollinators #zone4b
The native plant starts are doing well. This is a photo of a young Prairie Pussytoes being divided. #Zone4b #Biodiversity. #NativePlant.
#zone4b #biodiversity #nativeplant