@BenRossTransit “The whites-only restriction can’t be disentangled from the one-house restriction; they were meant to work together, with the purpose and effect of excluding people of color” #equity #segregation #housing #zoning #zoningreform #virginia #arlington #opportunity
#equity #segregation #housing #zoning #zoningreform #virginia #arlington #opportunity
https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/11/opinion/editorials/tokyo-housing.html “by investing in transit and allowing development, the city has added more housing units than the total number of units in New York City. It has remained affordable by becoming the world’s largest city. It has become the world’s largest city by remaining affordable.” #housing #tokyo #zoning #zoningreform #transit #transportation #equity #climate
#housing #tokyo #zoning #zoningreform #transit #transportation #equity #climate
Thanks to Sean Tubbs for covering this momentous week of #cville #zoning in two delicious slices https://open.substack.com/pub/communityengagement/p/week-ahead-for-91123-charlottesvilles?r=17weup&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email #zoningreform #housing #uva #equity #climate
#cville #zoning #zoningreform #housing #uva #equity #climate
The packet is posted for the #cville special meeting for Thursday September 14th https://charlottesvilleva.portal.civicclerk.com/event/1865/files (27 pages) #zoning #zoningreform #housing #equity #climate #cvilleplanstogether
#cville #zoning #zoningreform #housing #equity #climate #cvilleplanstogether
https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix/2023/09/06/phoenix-legalizes-casitas-to-combat-affordable-housing-crisis-faqs/70778248007/ "We're very excited ... we believe everyone deserves a place to call home" #phoenix #housing #arizona #zoning #zoningreform #equity
#phoenix #housing #arizona #zoning #zoningreform #equity
https://www.startribune.com/minneapolis-cannot-proceed-with-2040-plan-court-rules/600302266/ “We've invested in record amounts of affordable rental housing production in Minneapolis, limited rent increases to just 1% for the past five years, and have been credited with keeping inflation way below the national average. … So much of this progress, and our ability to meet future housing goals, has been made possible thanks to the 2040 Plan.” #housing #zoning #zoningreform #inflation #policy #minneapolis
#housing #zoning #zoningreform #Inflation #policy #minneapolis
https://www.forbes.com/sites/adammillsap/2023/08/28/new-studies-provide-further-evidence-that-zoning-reforms-work/?sh=116cd3245f7e “These studies show that zoning changes and other land-use reforms can increase the supply of housing, help control prices, and boost local tax bases” #housing #education #equity #zoning #zoningreform #taxbase
#housing #education #equity #zoning #zoningreform #taxbase
https://dailyprogress.com/news/local/im-going-to-die-out-here-homelessness-is-on-the-rise-in-charlottesville/article_13af8e34-3bc7-11ee-9b82-5b35b078047a.html "The pandemic offered us an opportunity to see clearly that we can have all the money we want for rental assistance, but if we don’t have enough places for people to move into, that’s the constraining factor" #housing #homelessness #cville #zoning #zoningreform #equity
#housing #homelessness #cville #zoning #zoningreform #equity
https://dailyprogress.com/news/charlottesville-leaders-residents-split-over-zoning-rewrite/article_dd551078-438e-11ee-bdb2-4fdd9ce2c945.html Thanks to Jason Armesto for covering the #cvilleplanstogether #zoningreform process #cville #zoning #housing #climate #equity
#cvilleplanstogether #zoningreform #cville #zoning #housing #climate #equity
"Completing this code, and the associated documents, has been a painstaking task of iterative
review and edits as the team worked through over 400 pages of detailed ordinance language,
incorporating feedback from City staff, the community, the Planning Commission, and City
Council." Yes. #zoningreform is hard work.
A number of materials are posted related to the draft #cville #zoning ordinance here https://cvilleplanstogether.com/draft-zoning/ #zoningreform #housing #equity #climate #cvilleplanstogether
#cville #zoning #zoningreform #housing #equity #climate #cvilleplanstogether
https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-suburb-that-defied-nimby-a9bf4af9 “We have a model that can be replicated” #housing #newrochelle #zoning #zoningreform
#housing #newrochelle #zoning #zoningreform
Thanks to Sean Tubbs for covering the #cvilleplanstogether process #zoning #cville #zoningreform #housing #equity #climate #podcast https://communityengagement.substack.com/p/august-15-2023-charlottesvilles-complete#details
#cvilleplanstogether #zoning #cville #zoningreform #housing #equity #climate #podcast
Thanks to Keagan Hughes for covering the #cvilleplanstogether process. #cville #zoning #zoningreform #housing #equity #climate https://www.nbc29.com/2023/08/15/charlottesville-releases-zoning-draft-cville-plans-together-project/
#cvilleplanstogether #cville #zoning #zoningreform #housing #equity #climate
Thanks to Erin O'Hare for covering the #cvilleplanstogether process. #zoning #cville #zoningreform #housing #equity #climate https://www.cvilletomorrow.org/charlottesville-shares-updated-draft-zoning-ordinance-its-400-pages-long/
#cvilleplanstogether #zoning #cville #zoningreform #housing #equity #climate
https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/08/rent-growth-is-slowing-where-housing-got-built.html “So long as high-paying jobs are being created in your city, high-income workers are going to move there. If there is no new “luxury” housing to absorb them, they will simply outbid less affluent residents for the housing units that already exist. Thus the less new housing that gets built, the faster rents will rise in a booming city.” #housing #zoning #zoningreform #luxury
#housing #zoning #zoningreform #luxury
I missed this, good though painful breakdown of the "discretionary" process in San Francisco required to use land. I have heard many arguments recently that no land uses should be permitted "by right" and I think San Francisco is a helpful illustration of how that works in practice https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/openforum/article/sf-housing-development-red-tape-17815725.php #housing #sanfrancisco #zoning #zoningreform #policy #redtape
#housing #sanfrancisco #zoning #zoningreform #policy #redtape
https://www.businessinsider.com/america-lower-rents-home-prices-build-more-houses-new-zealand-2023-8 “To make housing more abundant and affordable…we need to upzone many neighborhoods — legalize the construction of denser, taller housing like duplexes, triplexes, and townhomes. Upzoning won't cause the price of existing housing to suddenly tumble, but it will slow the growth of housing costs by meeting demand. It's a necessary, but not sufficient first step in solving the affordability crisis.” #housing #zoningreform #zoning #newzealand #theletterz
#housing #zoningreform #zoning #newzealand #theletterz
https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/05/business/single-family-zoning-laws/index.html “It’s getting harder to build stuff, particularly in high-income areas that want to have a lot of control over development” #zoning #housing #equity #zoningreform
#zoning #housing #equity #zoningreform
https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/07/27/biden-harris-administration-announces-actions-to-lower-housing-costs-and-boost-supply/ i see a number of #housing reforms here, including up to $10 million per locality for #zoningreform and #parkingreform work to reduce barriers to affordable housing #us
#housing #zoningreform #parkingreform #us