@MSugarhill @bsi bei manchen Videokonferenz-systemen kann man Konferenzen konfigurieren das Teilnehmer durch einen einfachen Link (One-click) der Konferenz beitreten können. Das ermöglicht sogenanntes #ZoomBombing
Man kann aber auch Passwörter vergeben, die dann benötigt werden um der Konferenz beizutreten. Das ist nicht ganz so benutzerfreundlich, aber es hilft ungewollte Teilnehmer fern zu halten
Porn Zoom bomb forces cancellation of Fed's Waller event /sp/
#zoombombing #zoom #hijacked #porn #Hacked
#Zoombombing al Consiglio comunale di Trieste.
Mentre era in corso la riunione, sono giunti attraverso le webcam centinaia di messaggi che sembravano inviati dagli stessi consiglieri.
From 02 Aug: Zoom to pay 5M for lying about encryption and sending data to Facebook and Google - Enlarge / Technical preview of Zoom’s end-to-end encryption, made available months after Zoo... https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2021/08/zoom-to-pay-85m-for-lying-about-encryption-and-sending-data-to-facebook-and-google/ #end-to-end-encryption #policy #zoom #zoombombing
#zoombombing #zoom #policy #end
TurkeyBombing Puts New Twist on Zoom Abuse - Threat actors already stole nearly 4,000 credentials before the holiday was even over, according t... https://threatpost.com/turkeybombing-zoom-abuse/161646/ #conferencecalls #credentialtheft #onlinemeetings #uncategorized #thanksgiving #threatactors #zoombombing #theanalyst #covid-19 #phishing #hackers #zoom
#zoom #hackers #phishing #covid #theanalyst #zoombombing #threatactors #thanksgiving #uncategorized #onlinemeetings #credentialtheft #conferencecalls
Porn-wielding Zoom bombers disrupt Twitter hack court hearing https://grahamcluley.com/porn-wielding-zoom-bombers-disrupt-twitter-hack-court-hearing/ #Securitythreats #cryptocurrency #zoombombing #Law&order #Twitter #bitcoin #Zoom
#Securitythreats #cryptocurrency #zoombombing #law #twitter #bitcoin #zoom
Porn-wielding Zoom bombers disrupt Twitter hack court hearing - Uh-oh… someone didn’t lock their Zoom meeting down properly. That’s probably particularly importa... https://grahamcluley.com/porn-wielding-zoom-bombers-disrupt-twitter-hack-court-hearing/ #securitythreats #cryptocurrency #zoombombing #law&order #twitter #bitcoin #zoom
#zoom #bitcoin #twitter #law #zoombombing #cryptocurrency #securitythreats
Porn Clip Disrupts Virtual Court Hearing for Alleged Twitter Hacker https://krebsonsecurity.com/2020/08/porn-clip-disrupts-virtual-court-hearing-for-alleged-twitter-hacker/ #Ne'er-Do-WellNews #ChristopherC.Nash #ALittleSunshine #AndrewWarren #GreggBennett #GrahamClark #SIMswapping #Zoombombing
#ne #ChristopherC #ALittleSunshine #AndrewWarren #GreggBennett #GrahamClark #simswapping #zoombombing
Porn Clip Disrupts Virtual Court Hearing for Alleged Twitter Hacker - Perhaps fittingly, a Web-streamed court hearing for the 17-year-old alleged mastermind of the July 1... https://krebsonsecurity.com/2020/08/porn-clip-disrupts-virtual-court-hearing-for-alleged-twitter-hacker/ #christopherc.nash #neer-do-wellnews #alittlesunshine #andrewwarren #greggbennett #grahamclark #simswapping #zoombombing
#zoombombing #simswapping #grahamclark #greggbennett #andrewwarren #alittlesunshine #neer #christopherc
Zoom Beefs Up End-to-End Encryption to Thwart ‘Zoombombers’ - As the company continues to battle security woes, it has acquired Keybase to boost security and pr... more: https://threatpost.com/zoom-acquires-keybase-encryption/155557/ #endtoendencryption #mobilesecurity #cloudsecurity #cybersecurity #videoplatform #cryptography #cyberattacks #acquisition #zoombombing #videocalls #privacy #keybase #zoom
#zoom #keybase #privacy #videocalls #zoombombing #acquisition #cyberattacks #cryptography #videoplatform #cybersecurity #cloudsecurity #mobilesecurity #endtoendencryption
Episode 183: Researcher Patrick Wardle talks Zoom 0days and Mac (in)Security - You just reported a major security vulnerability in the Zoom platform. Now the CEO of Zoom wants to ... more: https://feeds.feedblitz.com/~/622839640/0/thesecurityledger~Episode-Researcher-Patrick-Wardle-talks-Zoom-days-and-Mac-inSecurity/ #vulnerabilities #zoombombing #companies #espionage #interview #podcasts #zoominc. #threats #zeroday #podcast #russia #apple #jamf
#jamf #apple #russia #podcast #zeroday #threats #zoominc #podcasts #interview #espionage #companies #zoombombing #vulnerabilities
RT @fsaltiel@twitter.com
De retour dans @28minutes@twitter.com pour une nouvelle chronique confinée digitalisée ! Focus sur #Zoom, l'application star de ce #confinement au coeur de multiples polémiques ! Avec @RenaudDely@twitter.com @jmpernin@twitter.com #Coronavirus #Covid19 #visioconférence #Securité #zoombombing #Zumping
#zoom #confinement #Coronavirus #COVID19 #visioconférence #securité #zoombombing #Zumping
How to host safer Zoom meetings - The Coronavirus pandemic has forced many people to work from home for the first time, and use vide... more: https://www.grahamcluley.com/how-to-host-safer-zoom-meetings/ #securitythreats #coronavirus #zoombombing #privacy #zoom
#zoom #privacy #zoombombing #coronavirus #securitythreats
How to host safer Zoom meetings https://www.grahamcluley.com/how-to-host-safer-zoom-meetings/ #Securitythreats #Coronavirus #zoombombing #Privacy #Zoom
#Securitythreats #coronavirus #zoombombing #privacy #zoom
Amid Security Concerns: to Zoom or not to Zoom? - Zoom has rolled out new security features and promised a cyber security and privacy makeover after... more: https://feeds.feedblitz.com/~/621484082/0/thesecurityledger~Amid-Security-Concerns-to-Zoom-or-not-to-Zoom/ #applicationsecurity #videoconferencing #webapplications #websitehacking #technologies #dataprivacy #zoombombing #topstories #consumer #hardware #software #zoominc. #privacy #covid19 #video #zoom
#zoom #video #COVID19 #privacy #zoominc #software #hardware #consumer #topstories #zoombombing #dataprivacy #technologies #websitehacking #webapplications #videoconferencing #applicationsecurity
Zoom takes action after meeting IDs leak in careless screenshots https://hotforsecurity.bitdefender.com/blog/zoom-takes-action-after-meeting-ids-leak-in-careless-screenshots-22923.html#new_tab #BorisJohnson #Coronavirus #zoombombing #Guestblog #Privacy #Zoom
#borisjohnson #coronavirus #zoombombing #Guestblog #privacy #zoom
Zoom takes action after meeting IDs leak in careless screenshots - The video-conferencing app Zoom has been updated to remove the display of meeting IDs from its tit... more: https://www.grahamcluley.com/zoom-takes-action-after-meeting-ids-leak-in-careless-screenshots/ #borisjohnson #coronavirus #zoombombing #guestblog #privacy #zoom
#zoom #privacy #guestblog #zoombombing #coronavirus #borisjohnson
Zoom Taps Ex-Facebook CISO Amid Security Snafus, Lawsuit - The online videoconferencing service added Alex Stamos to the team and has also formed an expert a... more: https://threatpost.com/zoom-facebook-ciso-security-lawsuit/154614/ #classactionlawsuit #videoconferencing #vulnerabilities #advisorycouncil #mobilesecurity #cloudsecurity #facebookciso #threatactors #websecurity #coronavirus #meetinglink #zerodaybugs #zoombombing #alexstamos #facebook #covid-19 #lockdown #pandemic #response
#response #pandemic #lockdown #covid #facebook #alexstamos #zoombombing #zerodaybugs #meetinglink #coronavirus #websecurity #threatactors #facebookciso #cloudsecurity #mobilesecurity #advisorycouncil #vulnerabilities #videoconferencing #classactionlawsuit
RT @Cyberwehr_BW@twitter.activitypub.actor
Das #Videokonferenz - Tool #Zoom ist einer der großen Gewinner der #Coronakrise . Nun gab das @FBI@twitter.com eine Warnung heraus. Der Grund: nicht identifizierte Personen sind in Sitzungen eingedrungen! #zoombombing
#videokonferenz #zoom #Coronakrise #zoombombing
As Zoom Booms Incidents of ‘ZoomBombing’ Become a Growing Nuisance - Numerous instances of online conferences being disrupted by pornographic images, hate speech or ev... more: https://threatpost.com/as-zoom-booms-incidents-of-zoombombing-become-a-growing-nuisance/154187/ #virtualworkplace #conferencecalls #onlinemeetings #zoom-crashing #threatactors #zoom-bombing #websecurity #coronavirus #pornography #socialmedia #zoombombing #covid-19 #privacy #hackers #twitter #hacks #zoom
#hacks #twitter #hackers #privacy #covid #zoombombing #socialmedia #pornography #coronavirus #websecurity #threatactors #zoom #onlinemeetings #conferencecalls #virtualworkplace