Hello and welcome to my #introduction 👋I am a mid-thirties, late diagnosed #ADHDer, with an #autistic partner. Coming up to my diagnosis 1-year anniversary 🥳 and learning lots every day, having regular “aha” moments. I work PT #burnout in a library and spend my free time trying to coral my unruly curiosity fairly unsuccessfully.
A snippet of my many waxing and waning interests include: #cacti #succulents #cats #dogs #budgies #astronomy #zoology #economics #tech #psychology #neurodiversity #spoontheory #streetart #modernart #arthistory #sculpture #crafts #museums #artgalleries #urbanspaces #heritage #architecture #snailmail #books #libraries #archives #forteana #documentaries #podcasts #zooniverse #googlecrowdsource #miscellanea
#introduction #ADHDer #Autistic #burnout #cacti #succulents #cats #dogs #budgies #astronomy #zoology #economics #tech #psychology #neurodiversity #spoontheory #StreetArt #modernart #ArtHistory #sculpture #crafts #museums #artgalleries #urbanspaces #heritage #architecture #snailmail #books #libraries #archives #forteana #documentaries #podcasts #zooniverse #googlecrowdsource #miscellanea
Etch A Cell - #lysosomes— #Zooniverse
We need your help to identify lysosomes in images of cells that were produced using an Electron Microscope
Wer Lust auf #CrowdScience hat, kann hier bei #zooniverse im neuen Projekt #beaversfromspace #biber|dämme suchen und markieren.
Es gibt auch noch viele andere Projekte von Echsen und Co auf #galapagos bei #iguanasfromabove oder #hai|filmchen bei #sharkspy bis hin zum #cloudspottingonmars mit Spektralaufnahmen vom #mars
#mars #cloudspottingonmars #sharkspy #hai #iguanasfromabove #galapagos #biber #beaversfromspace #zooniverse #CrowdScience
The Lives of Literary Characters - new Zooniverse project ‘to generate knowledge about the behaviour of literary characters at large scale and make this data openly available to the public’ #Zooniverse #storytelling #CitizenScience https://www.zooniverse.org/projects/citizenreaders/the-lives-of-literary-characters
#zooniverse #storytelling #citizenscience
“Always with the gravity waves, Moriarty. Always with the gravity waves!” - Oddball (allegedly) #KellysHeroes #Zooniverse https://www.zooniverse.org/projects/jberkhei/gravity-wave-zoo
I have to say this World Architecture Unlocked project really has me in its tight grip. I am at 465 classifications right now and I won't stop until I hit at least 1000 :happey:
What makes it even cooler is that I can actually enjoy architecture for a change (I really, really sucked at history of architecture at uni).
Bonus - Italian architecture is all that's left I think.
For people who would like to practice image description while volunteering on a cool project and looking at artwork all in one go there is this Zooniverse project called Saint George on a Bike!
And for people who love architecture there is this one that is almost at 90% completeness, called World Architecture Unlocked:
The #GaiaVari citizen science project has just launched 🎉
Join 👉
An excellent opportunity to help scientists by classifying variable stars from @esascience's Galactic explorer, the @ESAGaia Mission! #Zooniverse
Read more 👉 https://www.esa.int/Enabling_Support/Preparing_for_the_Future/Space_for_Earth/Amateur_astronomers_needed_help_classify_stars_with_Gaia_s_data#.ZBnawisBQTs.twitter
News about Einstein@Home searches for radio and gamma-ray pulsars!
Please see: https://einsteinathome.org/content/news-about-einsteinhome-searches-radio-and-gamma-ray-pulsars
#pulsar #arecibo #meerkat #fermi #gbt #zooniverse #radio #gamma
#pulsar #arecibo #meerkat #fermi #gbt #zooniverse #radio #gamma
Just attended a #SETI Institute webinar about the new #Zooniverse project "Are we alone in the universe?" https://www.zooniverse.org/projects/ucla-seti-group/are-we-alone-in-the-universe - no, you are not snooping on alien phone conversations, you are classifying funny bits of #RFI (radio interference) so that future #AI can actually go hunt for #alien radio signals inbetween all the noise our radio telescopes on Earth are suffering from.
#alien #ai #rfi #zooniverse #seti
Thousands Of Citizen Scientists Studying Lidar Maps Have Found 1,000 Prehistoric Burial Mounds Across The Netherlands
https://news.artnet.com/art-world/citizen-scientists-netherlands-find-burial-mounds-lidar-2253367 <-- shared article
#GIS #spatial #mapping #gischat #remotesensing #LiDAR #citizenscience #crowdsourcing #help #university #science #archaeology #barrow #netherlands #holland #students #heritagequest #GelderlandQuest #Zooniverse #soilsamples #prehistoric #mounds #LeidenUniversity
@LeidenUniversity @GelderlandQuest @Zooniverse
#gis #spatial #mapping #gischat #remotesensing #lidar #citizenscience #crowdsourcing #help #University #science #archaeology #barrow #netherlands #holland #students #heritagequest #gelderlandquest #zooniverse #soilsamples #prehistoric #mounds #leidenuniversity
Citizen Science Finds Prehistoric Burial Mounds https://hackaday.com/2023/02/14/citizen-science-finds-prehistoric-burial-mounds/ #citizenscience #zooniverse #Science #lidar #News
#citizenscience #zooniverse #Science #lidar #News
Citizen Science Finds Prehistoric Burial Mounds - What do you do when you have a lot of LiDAR data and not enough budget to slog thr... - https://hackaday.com/2023/02/14/citizen-science-finds-prehistoric-burial-mounds/ #citizenscience #zooniverse #science #lidar #news
#news #lidar #science #zooniverse #citizenscience
Just as an update for everyone...this means there will be another batch of photos from the past year going up on #Zooniverse #ArcticBearsProject from #WapuskNationalPark and from the #ChurchillNorthernStudiesCentre. Get ready to ID some Arctic wildlife! These new photos are due for a drop on February 27, 2023 - for #InternationalPolarBearDay!
#zooniverse #arcticbearsproject #wapusknationalpark #churchillnorthernstudiescentre #internationalpolarbearday
Inspired by @Researchbuzz post about citizen science project, I have to share my favorite citizen science platform, Zooniverse.
I am usually in the "arts" category :artpeek:
#Leopard in the night 🐆
If you want to see more great #CameraTrap photos (and be part of some cool science!), come join in with #PricklyPearProjectKenya on #Zooniverse
Link: https://www.zooniverse.org/projects/peter-dot-stewart/prickly-pear-project-kenya
#CameraTraps #Ecology #Conservation #Research #Wildlife #Nature #TrailCam #InvasiveSpecies
#leopard #CameraTrap #PricklyPearProjectKenya #zooniverse #CameraTraps #ecology #conservation #research #wildlife #nature #trailcam #invasivespecies
I just learned about St.George on a bike https://saintgeorgeonabike.eu/, building AI system to understand art via crowdsourcing... #ai #CitizenScience #europeana #zooniverse
#ai #citizenscience #europeana #zooniverse
#Elephant going for some prickly pear fruit!
This is another image from the new batch which will be making its way to #PricklyPearProjectKenya on #Zooniverse soon.
#Ecology #Conservation #Research #CameraTrap #TrailCam #Wildlife #Nature #InvasiveSpecies
#elephant #PricklyPearProjectKenya #zooniverse #ecology #conservation #research #CameraTrap #trailcam #wildlife #nature #invasivespecies
Weiß jemand von ein #CitizenScience #Transkription Projekt? Sowas wie die #Zooniverse Projekte (z. Bsp. https://www.zooniverse.org/projects/bluejackets/civil-war-bluejackets) aber auf Deutsch. Ich suche was um nächstes Jahr mein #Sütterlin zu trainieren. #HistodonDE
#citizenscience #transkription #zooniverse #sütterlin #HistodonDE
Weiß jemand von ein #CitizenScience #Transkription Projekt? Sowas wie die #Zooniverse Projekte (z. Bsp. https://www.zooniverse.org/projects/bluejackets/civil-war-bluejackets) aber auf Deutsch. Ich suche was um nächstes Jahr mein #Sütterlin zu trainieren.
#citizenscience #transkription #zooniverse #sütterlin