Bats, Viruses and Humans.
#Zoonoses #viruses #ViralTransmission #Science
#science #viraltransmission #viruses #zoonoses
The US quietly terminates a controversial $125m wildlife virus hunting program amid safety fears
A flagship project for the controversial practice of hunting viruses among wildlife in South East Asia, Africa, and Latin America to prevent human outbreaks and pandemics is being quietly dropped by the United States Agency for International Development after private and bipartisan criticism over the safety of such research.
#virology #pandemic #zoonoses #USAID
#usaid #zoonoses #pandemic #virology
#Bats are natural hosts for #viruses that cause higher case fatality rates in humans than do #zoonoses derived from any other source. @caraebrook @bootslab &co build a nested within-host, population-level model to explain this phenomenon #PLOSBiology
#plosbiology #zoonoses #viruses #bats
Gizmodo: Good News Everyone: We Found a New Species of Roundworm That Can Infect Our Brains #intestinalinfectiousdiseases #healthmedicalpharma #hypereosinophilic #tropicaldiseases #helminthiasis #helminthiases #ascaridida #infection #zoonoses #ascaris #hands #worm
#intestinalinfectiousdiseases #healthmedicalpharma #hypereosinophilic #tropicaldiseases #helminthiasis #helminthiases #ascaridida #infection #zoonoses #ascaris #hands #worm
Gizmodo: Los Angeles Has a Growing Typhus Problem, Thanks to the Fleas #entertainmentculture #healthmedicalpharma #rickettsiatyphi #orientalratflea #rickettsiaceae #epidemictyphus #rickettsioses #rickettsia #pulicidae #zoonoses #catflea #ratflea #typhus #flea
#entertainmentculture #healthmedicalpharma #rickettsiatyphi #orientalratflea #rickettsiaceae #epidemictyphus #rickettsioses #rickettsia #pulicidae #zoonoses #catflea #ratflea #typhus #flea
Gizmodo: UK Man Gets Gnarly, Newly Discovered Infection From Stray Cat Bite #entertainmentculture #healthmedicalpharma #infectiousdiseases #bacteriology #animalbites #antibiotic #infection #injuries #bacteria #zoonoses #zoonosis #catbite #wound #cat
#entertainmentculture #healthmedicalpharma #infectiousdiseases #bacteriology #animalbites #antibiotic #infection #injuries #bacteria #zoonoses #zoonosis #catbite #wound #cat
1/ “Investigation into the risk to human health of avian influenza (influenza A H5N1) in England: technical briefing 5”
Thread on a technical briefing by UKHSA released on 14 July 2023.
Much of the data reported in the technical briefing is as of 04 July 2023 to allow time for analysis.
#AvianFlu #BirdFlu #influenza #H5N1 #OneHealth #zoonoses #science #epidemiology #EpiVerse
#epiverse #epidemiology #science #zoonoses #OneHealth #H5N1 #influenza #birdflu #avianflu
NBAF -- the upgraded version of Plum Island -- opened in Manhattan, KS this week.
“I don’t understand why you’d put a facility like that in the middle of a highly productive cattle and crops area,”
(I didn't get it either when the location was selected, and I was a biological weapons analyst at the time. Bad judgment.)
The decision to put NBAF “in the middle of livestock country and tornado alley was real hubris”
#biothreats #zoonoses #pathogens
Table ronde au Ministère de la Santé (FR) sur #LaFabriqueDesPandémies, le #documentaire de #MarieMoniqueRobin
#biodiversité #PerteDeBiodiversité #déforestation #zoonoses #pandémies #épidémies #MaladiesInfectieuses #anthropocène #Covid19
#covid19 #anthropocene #maladiesinfectieuses #epidemies #pandemies #zoonoses #deforestation #pertedebiodiversite #biodiversite #mariemoniquerobin #documentaire #lafabriquedespandemies
Hurry up & apply as a #PhD student (m/f/d🏳️🌈) in the Dpt. of #Arbovirology & #Entomology @ChanasitJonas @BNITM_de! Deadline is 6.2.23. Be part of the fascinating #CuliFo-project that investigates #mosquitoes &🦟-borne #zoonoses, funded by @bmel.
#jobalert #phd #arbovirology #entomology #culifo #mosquitoes #zoonoses
Research Associate in Disease Ecology @bahanbug
Recruiting a disease ecologist - join us in the Han lab! @bahanbug @caryinstitute #data #modeling #zoonoses #prediction #machinelearning #AI
#ScienceJobs #sciencejobs
#ScienceJobs #ai #machinelearning #prediction #zoonoses #modeling #data
...published in Nature Communications using @gbif mediated data:
Population fluctuations and synanthropy explain transmission risk in rodent-borne #zoonoses
#CiteTheDOI: ✅
#OpenAccess: ⭐️
#zoonoses #CiteTheDOI #openaccess
Teaching #zoonoses and #vector-bornediseases with colleague Dr. Jana Broadhurst #unmc at University of Global Health Equity #ughe this week as part of the medical student #infectiousdiseases module. Bright, engaged students from Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, and Tanzania asking well informed tough questions.
#infectiousdiseases #ughe #unmc #vector #zoonoses
Hi! 👋I'm an #epidemiologist specializing in infectious & tropical diseases, #outbreaks , rapid epidemiologic response & analysis for #epidemics.
#globalhealth #outbreak #parasitology #antibioticresistance #toxicology #ckdu #publichealth #saludpública #zoonóticas #fieldepidemiology
#pandemic #epidemia #tropmed #infectious #tropicaldiseases #epidemiology #zoonoticdiseases #zoonoses #NTDs
#infectiousdisease #virology #covid #influenza #onehealth #epiverse #epitwitter #academia
#epidemiologist #outbreaks #epidemics #globalhealth #outbreak #parasitology #antibioticresistance #toxicology #ckdu #publichealth #saludpublica #zoonoticas #fieldepidemiology #pandemic #epidemia #tropmed #infectious #tropicaldiseases #epidemiology #zoonoticdiseases #zoonoses #NTDs #infectiousdisease #virology #covid #influenza #onehealth #epiverse #epitwitter #academia
A strong opinion piece arguing against a lab origin for the #SARS-CoV-2 .
The authors provide quite an extensive review of the arguments in the discussion.
I agree that we should focus efforts on studying #zoonoses if we want to prevent further pandemics.
#COVID #CoronaVirus #SarsCov2
#sars #zoonoses #COVID #coronavirus #SarsCoV2
Face au risque des #zoonoses virales, l’Académie nationale de médecine crée une veille informationnelle disponible sur son site internet ⏩ #veille #OneHealth RT
Résumons : la grippe aviaire H5N1 en Sud-Ouest (Landes, Gers, Pyrénées Atlantique débouchant sur des abattages préventifs de centaines de milliers de canards), la brucellose en Haute-Savoie sur les vaches à Reblochon, et maintenant, la grippe porcine H1N1 en Bretagne ; les concentrations d'animaux d'élevages favorisent les pestes. Mais pas touche à l'élevage, ce mauvais tournant pris au Néolithique. #Zoonoses
En 2022, tirons les leçons des controverses sur les origines du SARS-Cov-2
➡️En 2022 comme à plus long terme, prendre en compte l'état de l'environnement doit rester une problématique majeure des politiques de santé publique.