#vss365 prompt a couple of days ago: #zoophilist
I never saw a cat as unique as Jack! I wasn't even sure he was Persian. Adopted by my good friends, true #zoophilist, they fell in love with him when no one else wanted 2 to adopt him due to his unique looks. How do you get over such a loss? You don't. They still grieve; his portrait, a heart-breaking memory.
True story, if you are interested. @david and his wife @janna are good friends of mine.
Start at 26.33.
"What the hell is a #zoophilist?"
"It's a lover of animals."
" "
"Not like that."
" "
"No, seriously. Change back."
#vss365 #microfiction
#microfiction #vss365 #zoophilist
"You're nickname's weird."
"I don't know what you mean."
"Most would go by Chris. Topher, maybe."
"My mom's a #zoophilist, not a Chris-alis."
"So she calls you Alot?"
"I'm #Ocelot. It's a wild cat."
"Ocelotta nonsense, if you ask me."
"No one did."
Marcy was a zoophilist from birth. At five, she treated her plushies like they were alive. She loved nature documentaries and hated zoos. By ten, she wanted to be a large animal vet. Throughout junior high, she brought home injured cats and dogs. Then a far stranger creature followed her home.
It watched the house from a distance, and had a taste for raw meat. Marcy heard it singing at night, singing to her…
#microfiction #writing #VSS #zoophilist #vss365
"Oh, to be a #Garden #Writer," whimsied Beth w/ a heavenward glance.
Mary shot her a look. "Oh, come on, B. Last week, you said #Mysteries were a snap to write - just reverse engineer a crime scene & Bob's your uncle."
"True, but it's easier when you love your topic," offered Beth as she quickly pointed out, "You can write about #Plants all the live-long day. Plus, you're a #ZOOPHILIST, so before you know it, you'll be writing Volume 2 of '#Pets in #Gardens.'"
#vss365 #gardener #garden #writer #mysteries #plants #zoophilist #pets #gardens
#vss365 #zoophilist crew fist too mist loo wrist fibre rib viper bib shudder decade weave hot hoot bring hood cherry cheddar chive emblem stem stamina stolid polip pulp putty pause suppose score swirl swift lid limp slump impunity mutiny bunion minion block dock hock evoke revoke coke swab petite hideous pick front loud hoop huddle should find curve never fever underneath limb static strive heart brief hub husband wife knit mutate fund nifty sniff dart merchandise torch wash loft boy annoy hurts
You were attacked by a bear?! Are you okay?
There’s good news & bad news. Bad news: The bear chewed off my hand.
Omg. Is the good news they can save your hand?
No. The good news is I got to pet a bear!
A #zoophilist will tell you that you the Zootopia is coming. Zoosemiotics, to learn the proper conjugation of every sound and signal of animal communication, will have supplanted human subject and predicate. By then, Humanity will be a puny, undone thing.