RT @charliemcelvy
@wearezoop rewards from the Happy Astronaut campaign by @Matt_Rodgers42 & Matt Fife!
#ZoopIt #ZooperTroopers #comicbooks #supportindiecomics #comics #indie
#zoopit #zoopertroopers #comicbooks #supportindiecomics #comics #indie
RT @charliemcelvy
Another sizable batch of #indiecomics going out the door to fulfill on our @wearezoop campaign!
At this point we are now 81% complete on fulfillment. The goal is to be 100% complete on shipping by the weekend! LET'S GO!!!
#indiecomics #comicbooks #crowdfunding #kickit #zoopertroopers #zoopit
RT @charliemcelvy
I just backed this campaign from @Marvinwynn on @wearezoop, check it out and lets make it happen together! https://zoop.gg/c/phantoms
#supportindiecomics #comicbooks #comics #indie #backthis #ZooperTrooper #ZoopIt
#supportindiecomics #comicbooks #comics #indie #backthis #zoopertrooper #zoopit