The #Zotero browser plugin is honestly essential to be able to read academic papers in a legal way purely thanks to the proxy redirection feature. It's either that or the Scihub plugin for Zotero. Otherwise I'd go crazy.
I'm sure I've posted before about how much I appreciate #Zotero as a citation manager. I now have over 600 references in about 30 categories from leaf segmentation using computer vision, through Manifestos, Tactile Graphics, and Whale Migration.
Feel free to share links to your latest publications whether peer-reviewed articles, books of poetry, or datasets. I may not read them right away but I'll create a "Mastodon" folder for them in Zotero so I can access them anytime.
Happy researching!
@DrSuzanne Journals can partner with #SciFlow in order to get their templates into the system. Authors type simply in markdown, can connect their #Zotero library and focus purely on #AcademicWriting.
Institutions on the other hand, may subscribe to SciFlow to get their employees access to the service. Fin. Works like a charm (in theory).
Sadly, I have not yet published anything in a journal whose template is available at SciFlow.
#sciflow #zotero #academicwriting
On a fait ça !
un module #zotero pour injecter des références bibliographiques directement dans une page #omeka c'est ici et on est contents
@starcross We recommend using Zotero and its add on extension for browsers! It allows you to save and organize, and can even keep you logged in by proxying your tabs through your institutional account!
I just found out that the @zotero Connector for Firefox has a setting to save papers to, when your local Zotero is not running, which happens to me frequently.
#academia #academicchatter #zotero
@PaolaCorti @lambo – Sounds great! – Probably not cooked according to the recipe that will be proposed here, but our first attempt at an "open textbook" on Computational Literary Studies can be found at, with the collaborative writing process described in a postscriptum, here: – Feedback very welcome! – #Zotero #Gitlab #Wiki #Markdown #Quarto #HTML #PDF
#zotero #gitlab #wiki #markdown #quarto #html #pdf
A short update on my #zotero stylesheet update 😎 Bed time, now! 😴
#academia #wasteofacademictime #zotero
Final stages before submitting a manuscript and getting angry with the journal's citation style that's APA7-but-not-quite-in-a-normal-of-small-petty-ways. Checked the #Zotero stylesheet repository and found that a kind soul has already uploaded a stylesheet for that journal! 🙏 Unfortunately, it was created when the journal had they own petty version of APA6 so I need to edit it. Okay, fine. And that's how I found that "the kind soul" happens to have exactly the same name as me! 😅 🙈
#Zotero pro-tip: Occasionally it's useful to generate a bibliography that's ordered by date, e.g. for a CV or a "publications" page on your personal website. The citation styles included with Zotero all order the entries by the author/contributor, but it just requires a minor edit to create a modified copy of an existing citation style, as described in this old forum post:
On Linux, there are three competing ways to install software. Let’s create one method that works for all! Result: There are now bazillion ways to install software on Linux. 😡 (Sent after checking, and for the best way to install #Zotero.)
mastering #Zotero a tutorial #socialscience #PhD #academicchatter
#zotero #socialscience #phd #academicchatter
Kooperationsprojekt: Bamberger Schätze mit optimierter Forschungsdokumentation bei Zotero
Johanna Staudinger, Referendarin an der Universitätsbibliothek Bamberg, präsentiert auf der diesjährigen #IFLA in Rotterdam das Poster zum Kooperationsprojekt.
Über das Projekt:
Foto: BSB/D. Sommer
In the things I wish I'd known about earlier category: This dark-mode plugin for #Zotero —
Derart komplexe - und oft nicht einmal konsistente - Zitierregeln gibt mancherorts leider immer noch. Mir scheinen sie eher als Distinktionsmechanismus als als Handwerkszeug zu dienen. Wer ohne #Literaturverwaltungsprogramm promoviert, macht sich das Leben unnötig schwer. #Zotero #Citavi #Endnote #Mendeley #JabRef
#literaturverwaltungsprogramm #zotero #citavi #endnote #mendeley #jabref
It is possible to use #Zotero with #Nextcloud: Zotero supports WebDAV as Cloud storage. Nice!
@drmambobob Same. I recently switched to #Zotero from Mendeley (had been using that for over 10 years, so i started with it long before Elsevier destroyed it) and am so happy to have this function working again!
@ryanrandall I suggest using both apps for their main strengths. #Zotero for holding bibliographic information & annotated PDFs and #ObsidianMD for notes and creating content. You just need to connect the two: Zotero provides raw material, metadata, and citations, but everything else happens in Obsidian. I use plugins in both to make the connection, but if I'd start a new workflow, I'd probably just go for a single tool like Zotero Integration for the sake of simplicity.
I'm trying to figure how to get #Zotero & #ObsidianMD to play nicely together, mostly for taking literature notes for my humanities / social sciences dissertation.
Does anyone happen to know of an up-to-date "here are the positives and negatives" compare/contrast of a few approaches, to help get an informed choice between Quick Add macros or the Zotero Bridge, Zotero Integration, or Citations plugins?
For context, I have found some great blog posts that talk about how a particular person does their work, which is wonderful.
(For instance, and /.)
I'm specifically hoping to find something that helps decide between multiple approaches, not just explains a particular tool/approach.