What software can you advice for #zrtp encrypted voice calls / video conferencing?
(boost welcome, and come back later to check the answers if you don't have one by youself)
And if not something with zrtp anything providing similiar safety.
I've heard #jisti desktop does so, but not by default. So I'm not shure if it is safe to use at all, cause I don't know if by a bug it will just switch back to unencrypted.
Then there is #jami and #qtox.
Thought there wasn't any auditing for them and I've seen both projects spreading misstrust towards the other, leaving me confused.
@FuckOffGoogleZurich @galaxis @infosechandbook@chaos.social
Do you know how it is with #jitsi desktop? I've heard it has #zrtp encryption. Is that then also limited to 2 person conversation?