Here are some track plans I've been refining from a couple of reference books, modified for #Nscale and #Zscale using #XtrackCad software. These #modelrailroad (s) will eventually visit those with #autism #braininjury and others with #developmentaldisability. The 3rd photo is a scale comparison, and also my first Z scale turnout, mid build. OMG This trackwork is SMALL 🧐🙂🙃
#Nscale #zscale #xtrackcad #modelrailroad #autism #braininjury #developmentaldisability
The train station is coming along. Waiting room and second floor done! #ModelTrain #ZScale
📬 Zscaler-Warnung: Kabelschaden in Frankreich beeinträchtigt Internetverbindungen
#Internet #Kurznotiert #Barcelona #Marseille #Milano #Sabotageaktion #Südfrankreich #Unterseekabel #Zscale
#zscale #unterseekabel #südfrankreich #sabotageaktion #milano #marseille #barcelona #kurznotiert #internet