@Dogzilla "Concerning"? 🤔 No. In all the minutes of my day, I've not one to waste on concern for either of these two useless sacks of protoplasm.
Loathing however, yeah, that runs steady like background processing.
#elonmuskisanidiot #zuckerbergsucks
@heiseonline Als jemand, der momentan darum kämpft seinen gehackten Account bei facebook wieder zu bekommen: eigentlich sollte man die Finger von allem halten, was mit Meta zu tun hat.
#facebook #support #nonexistent #nichtexistierend #facebooksucks #zuckerbergsucks
#zuckerbergsucks #facebooksucks #nichtexistierend #nonexistent #support #facebook
Hey, yeah, that’s great. “Notes” at Instagram, because I’m keen to write things that NO ONE EVER SEES because of Meta’s circle-jerk algorithm that has nothing to do with time or reason.
That sounds great. I love shouting into the wind.
Yeah, hard pass on writing on Instagram, which loses more and more of its way every day. #ZuckerbergSucks #Instagram #Twitter
#twitter #instagram #zuckerbergsucks