My #zunehd has been my lifeline in terms of sensory control. #music & #podcasts have been my only way of surviving the noise of the outside world for most of my life. I've yet to meet another #mp3player that comes close to matching my Zune in terms of accessibility.
#zunehd #music #podcasts #mp3player
I'm replacing the digitizer on my old Zune HD and need a suggestion. Should I use E-8000 or LOCA glue to adhere the digitizer to the front panel? I think the original digitizer was glued on using LOCA, but I don't have any experience with using a UV-activated adhesive so I'm not sure how complicated that will make things.
#zune #zunehd #electronicsrepair #screenrepair
With having learned soldering, I have now taken the next logical step and joined an incredibly niche hardware community. Time to solder in a new battery, and listen to all my hottest jams from 14 years ago.
#zune #zunehd #mp3 #mp3player