Nema roštiljanja | Osman Bukari #2026FIFAWorldCup #2026WorldCup #2030FIFAWorldCup #2030WorldCup #Belgrade #Crvena #CrvenaZvezda #FIFA2026 #FIFA2030 #FIFAWorldCup #FifaWorldCup2026 #FIFAWorldCup2030 #FKCRVENAZVEZDA #football #Fudbal #Ghana #OsmanBukari #RedStar #Sport #WorldCup #WorldCup2026 #WorldCup2030 #Zvezda #ZvezdaTv
#2026fifaworldcup #2026worldcup #2030fifaworldcup #2030worldcup #belgrade #crvena #crvenazvezda #fifa2026 #fifa2030 #fifaworldcup #fifaworldcup2026 #fifaworldcup2030 #fkcrvenazvezda #football #fudbal #ghana #osmanbukari #redstar #sport #worldcup #worldcup2026 #worldcup2030 #zvezda #zvezdatv Luka Jović – Zauvek deo Zvezdine porodice #2022FifaWorldCup #2022WorldCup #Belgrade #Crvena #CrvenaZvezda #FIFA2022 #FifaWorldCup2022 #FIFAWORLDCUPQATAR2022 #FKCRVENAZVEZDA #football #Fudbal #LukaJovic #QATAR2022 #RedStar #Serbia #Sport #WorldCup #WorldCup2022 #Zvezda
#2022fifaworldcup #2022worldcup #belgrade #crvena #crvenazvezda #fifa2022 #fifaworldcup2022 #fifaworldcupqatar2022 #fkcrvenazvezda #football #fudbal #lukajovic #qatar2022 #redstar #serbia #sport #worldcup #worldcup2022 #zvezda
Yulia #Prokhorova hatte ja bereits 1x einen Auftritt bei #RussiaToday angekündigt, zuvor kam aber noch die Einladung bei #Zvezda TV (siehe oben).
Unsere leider langjährige Landshuter Mitbürgerin ist jetzt offenbar im "Olymp" der 🇷🇺 Nazi-Propagandist*innen angekommen.
#Putinzäpfchen #Kloprinzessin #Putingirls #Landshut #Niederbayern ##russiaisanazistate
#prokhorova #russiatoday #zvezda #putinzapfchen #kloprinzessin #putingirls #landshut #niederbayern #russiaisanazistate
2 eguneko bidaia baten ondoren, #ProgressMS22 zamaontzia Nazioarteko Espazio Estazioko #Zvezda modulura egokitu da 08:45 UTCetan.
#progressms22 #zvezda #Espazioa
2 eguneko bidaia baten ondoren, #ProgressMS22 zamaontzia Nazioarteko Espazio Estazioko #Zvezda modulura egokitu da 0845 UTCetan.
#progressms22 #zvezda #Espazioa
Gaur #ProgressMS20 zamaontzia, Nazioarteko Espazio Estazioaren #Zvezda modulutik bereizi da. #Lurra-ren atmosferan erreko da Ozeano Barean eroriz. Aren lekua #ProgressMS22-k hartuko du.
#ProgressMS20 #zvezda #lurra #progressms22 #Espazioa
A fire occurred in a building on the territory of the Zvezda machine-building factory in Saint Petersburg. It produces diesel engines, including those for the Russian Navy #UkraineRussiaWar #Zvezda #Fire #SaintPetersburg
Reposted from Twitter by @nafobot
#UkraineRussiaWar #zvezda #fire #SaintPetersburg
A building on the territory of the #Zvezda machine-building plant in #StPetersburg is on #fire on an area of 200 square meters.
Obviously there are still tensions in the balkans but I tend to root for any Balkan team, absent a more specific option. But I'm rooting for #CANMNT today because of Tajon (former #NERevs), Borjan (#Zvezda keeper), and just because I love Canada (esp Montreal). #CROvCAN #WorldCup
#canmnt #NERevs #zvezda #crovcan #worldcup