#zwiftcycling I've never been so pleased to see 5 percent gradient hills, those 17 percent ones on my Zwift ride were brutal.
Finally starting to get back in the #mood to go on the #bike I don’t know what has been going on recently but I’ve just struggled to even think about getting #exercise in!! So glad I’m feeling better! #cheshirecat #100k coming up in a few weeks time so better get moving! #zwift #zwifting #cycling #indoorcycling #zwiftcycling #workout
#mood #bike #exercise #cheshirecat #100k #zwift #zwifting #cycling #indoorcycling #zwiftcycling #workout
Managed to finish the year with one last ride on Zwift. I'm pretty happy with my performance this year considering I had two massive breaks due to a broken shoulder and a longer COVID-related break. I'm hopeful I can go for 7000+ on my bike next year.
#roadbike #strava #zwift #zwiftcycling
Falls es hier ein paar Sportsfreund:innen gibt, die im Winter gern zuhause auf der Rolle fahren wollen, aber es zu langweilig finden- schaut euch mal #zwift an. Das ist auch super Alternativsport zum Lauftraining und für Triathlet:innen eh. Macht mega Spaß und schont die Familienzeit.
Falls ihr sogar gern paar Rennen fahren wollt- meldet euch. Es gibt Rennligen eingeteilt nach Leistungsstärke und ich fahre für das Team: https://www.zrg-cyclingclub.de/
#ZwiftRacingLeague #zwiftcycling
#zwift #zwiftracingleague #zwiftcycling
Started #Zwifting today, with a very gentle ride around Central Park in New York from the (cold) comfort of my garage in Milton Keynes UK. Great fun.
Was always a bit of a sceptic about bike trainers, being an all-seasons cycle commuter for years. But this is great fun. Fantastic experience design from delivery to first ride, seamless integration of hard, firm and software. Beautiful, playful aesthetic.
I think I’m hooked already.
#BikeToot #ZwiftCycling #Zwift
#zwifting #biketoot #zwiftcycling #zwift
#kudos to the #zwift world designers! It really makes a difference when I can't cycle outside. #cycling #zwiftcycling
#kudos #zwift #cycling #zwiftcycling
Set a humble little one-minute watts PR on this evening’s 30-miler, complaining the whole way that my legs were toast.
#zwiftcycling #zwift #cycling #bikes #Specialized #IAmSpecialized
#iamspecialized #specialized #bikes #Cycling #zwift #zwiftcycling
Thirty quick miles this evening, and planks. It doesn’t get easier, etc.
#iamspecialized #Cycling #zwiftcycling #zwift