Zypper Command Examples: A Beginner's Guide to the SUSE Linux Package Manager #Zypper #Linux #Packagemanager #SUSELinux #openSUSE #Packagemanagement #Linuxadministration #Linuxhowto #Linuxcmmands
#zypper #Linux #packagemanager #SuseLinux #OpenSUSE #packagemanagement #Linuxadministration #linuxhowto #linuxcmmands
@macberg @Natureshadow
I'm working on "some" #SLES machines at work and I really ❤️ #zypper as #packagemanager when dealing with #packages and #dependencies for searching and investigating.
#SLES #zypper #packagemanager #packages #dependencies
@DragonZlaver @iaintshootinmis I think you didn't understand what I was trying to say. I know what -Syu does. But you only know because you read the manpage. Every user understands #zypper install/search/remove. Basically its like pacman uses aliases already which you have to learn, whereas other packet managers have sensible commands by itself, where you can create your own aliases.
@DragonZlaver @iaintshootinmis Problem is -Syu doesn't mean anything to you if you don't understand what every parameter is doing. the difference between searching for a package and installing it, is still confusing me with #pacman. Also for your last example: alias exist. Where I need to mention that #zypper is doing this tremendously with a simple dup command upgrading your whole system. Meanwhile parameter "Sync" on pacman sounds very weird to me.
ini is an old format with no clear specification. idk if i should pursue to validate values if it's duplicated or not for my #rustlang project...
*sigh*, i hate opensuse #zypper's repo-config files since they are in `ini` format. but at least most config files are usually not duplicated and have only *one section* or *unique key-value pairs*.
I decided to install OpenSUSE. PackageKit is too aggressive and keeps zypper from working in the terminal.
#zypper #opensuse #tumbleweed #tumbleweed get your repositories naming straight, what is this mess?
Going with the motions ...fun with the rolling release ...until it breaks...enthralling but the chances of dying are more.
#linux #research #linuxadmin #sysadmin #opensource #opensuse #tumbleweed #update #upgrade #commandline #tools #zypper #package #manager
#linux #research #linuxadmin #sysadmin #opensource #opensuse #tumbleweed #update #upgrade #commandline #tools #zypper #package #manager
Alles Wichtige nun gesichert. Habe trotzdem etwas Muffensausen. Einfach mal auf #ubuntu wechseln ist schwierig,da das mit der Grafikkarte nicht Out of the Box klarkommt. Prinzipiell stehe ich eh vor dem Dilemma,daß noch ein #Windowsvista parallel installiert ist und unnötig Platz verbraucht,weshalb irgendwann eh eine Neuinstallation ansteht,um die ganze Festplatte vernünftig nutzen zu können.Also erstmal die 15.4 updaten. #zypper #opensuse
#ubuntu #WindowsVista #zypper #opensuse
Well, I ran `zypper search go |less`, then searched for 'compiler,' and gcc-go was the only entry with 'compiler' in the description.
The official go package says:
i+ | go | A compiled, garbage-collected, concurrent programming language | package
P.S., I sure as heck wish #OpenSuSE #zypper didn't assume you used a 160-column terminal. That's so annoying. I'm gonna have to come up with a `cut` filter for that
@ppatel I'm shure #Apple will copy & paste their approach from #macOS to #iOS, defaulting to "certified developers" but allowing users with admin privilegues to click through safety permissions and explicity say "yes, let me install untrusted apps I know what I'm doing!"
Similar to how @fdroidorg or amy other #PackageManager like #yum / #zypper & #apt allows adding 3rd party repos...
#apt #zypper #yum #packagemanager #iOS #macOS #Apple
Is there #deadsnake like #ppa for python3.11 for #debian?
I like the way #OpenSUSE bundles different versions of python but #zypper slowness has been getting on my nerve lately.
#deadsnake #ppa #debian #opensuse #zypper
Da hat mir doch ein tolles Plugin sehr viel Arbeit erspart
#incinga #sles #zypper #adminlife
#adminlife #zypper #sles #incinga
For those of you who did a #zypper dup with the @opensuse Tumbleweed snapshot recently & found you had some #sudo issues, consider rolling back & waiting for a snapshot that will fix it. #btrfs https://www.reddit.com/r/openSUSE/comments/ym52a4/user_not_in_sudoers_after_update/
OPI - OBS Package Installer (CLI)
Mittels OPI lassen sich auf openSUSE Systemen auf einfache Weise Drittanbieter-Applikationen installieren.
Looking forward to seeing the show available on the fediverse🙂 It does promote #opensource after all.
It's a great listen.
P.S OpenSuse is great. #Yast, #autoyast, and #zypper are great.
#zypper #autoyast #yast #opensource